
Nintendo Switch Discussion

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https://twitter.com/notohoho/status/1079397891712536576 The maximum screen resolution you can set for programs is 1280x720, and the minimum resolution is 128x128 (or maybe 192x192?). The resolution is the same for both TV and handheld mode.

When does the SB come for the Switch? I was wondering.

When does the SB come for the Switch? I was wondering.
Spring 2019 in Japan and no known release date for other regions (although it has been confirmed for them)

Cool. I do have SB on my New 3DS, and I don't need it on the Switch. ;)

Cool. I do have SB on my New 3DS, and I don't need it on the Switch. ;)
coughs in dual screen

Do we know what the program kill method is this time? Really toggles my noggin. I assume the delayed kill is still going to be in and I suspect in the average case we won't be allowed to use + either. Unless they're smart and make it a button combo this time around you need a kill button on single joycon, so that would have to be +/-. Of course I suspect the set of available inputs to change based on controller. +/- might be unavailable on single, but for dual/procon + might be available with - being the kill button. And of course, we know the Switch has a proper Capture button so no "select to screenshot" boyz this time.

Do we know that the HTTP API is in this version and not just exclusive to PiStarter? I don't think Nintendo is keen on the idea of people just making HTTP requests to anywhere on their Switch; doesn't even have a web browser.
The switch does have an internet browser, it's just you can only use it for Twitter and Facebook.
But...doesn't that further help snail's point? Apparently they want to keep people from sending HTTP requests everywhere if they won't let you use their app to its full potential. I think it'd be cool to see the ability to upload "server" programs that can run as a module and return/store values on SmileBoom's servers.
The point was that snail said that the switch didn't have a web browser even though the switch clearly does. Also, cool idea.
You're allowed to call it a web browser so long as you also call Android System WebView a web browser.

That's super cool 😎 This might be useful for a handful of features the Switch has (Motion IR camera, HD rumble, etc.)!

That's super cool 😎 This might be useful for a handful of features the Switch has (Motion IR camera, HD rumble, etc.)!
What if it had more bits? I wanna start out something at least 32-bit sometime....

side-rant about bits The bit wars are overrated. SB has 16-bit color, 32-bit ints, and 64 bit floats. Approaching the length of a machine word as an indicator of raw power, especially in such an abstract environment, is meaningless. Sure the NES had an 8-bit word length but its color palette was certainly less. I wish people would stop saying things like "8-bit game" because it doesn't mean anything. Anyway the Switch has a 64-bit processor so ints might also be 64 bits wide in SB now, if that means anything to you.

Do The Math Anyway, 64 bit integers are annoying because there really aren't any situations where they're more useful than 32 bit integers, and you'll just end up using more memory for no reason... Plus, then you won't just be able to safely use doubles for everything, since there are values that can be stored in 64 bit integers but not doubles.

Anyway the Switch has a 64-bit processor so ints might also be 64 bits wide in SB now, if that means anything to you.
Can't wait until we reach 512-bit processors. That'll be a while.

wouldn't mind 32 bit color

Anyway the Switch has a 64-bit processor so ints might also be 64 bits wide in SB now, if that means anything to you.
Can't wait until we reach 512-bit processors. That'll be a while.
pfft just skip that an go straight for quantum processors

Anyway the Switch has a 64-bit processor so ints might also be 64 bits wide in SB now, if that means anything to you.
Can't wait until we reach 512-bit processors. That'll be a while.
pfft just skip that an go straight for quantum processors
How about something that's 6739986666787659948666753771754907668409286105635143120275902562304-bit?

Anyway the Switch has a 64-bit processor so ints might also be 64 bits wide in SB now, if that means anything to you.
Can't wait until we reach 512-bit processors. That'll be a while.
pfft just skip that an go straight for quantum processors
How about something that's 6739986666787659948666753771754907668409286105635143120275902562304-bit?
must be as wide as the moon

1*w*w= w^(2/3)*w^(2/3)*w^(2/3) 2/3 the width of the moon if you build layers