Might make SBS readonly: thread

Chorded Keyboard Using the Buttons

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Hey, I've had this idea knocking around in my head but never got around to it. For those who aren't aware, a chorded keyboard is a type of keyboard where the output character is decided by pressing a combination of keys simultaneously. Usually the output is decided on key release so you don't get anything weird like rollover. I wanted to design a text editor that allows you to type with a chorded keyboard, using the system's buttons. However, I really am unable to think of a good keymap. I know a lot of people are turned off by the idea of using the touch screen to write code, so I think once learned this should be a really useful and comfortable way to type; but I would like some ideas for how it would work.

I can imagine a number of ways to do this. Perhaps you could map the characters of the alphabet to their corresponding alphabetical code (1-26), where the ABXY & and another button (D-pad maybe, I'm thinking more like the R button since its right there next to the ABXY buttons) could be used to input the binary code (5 bits [buttons] can produce 31 binary numbers, in excess of the 26 needed). Instead of relying on a certain button release, it could be timed; submit the binary number to the program X milliseconds after the first button press. All the matter is is learning to button press in a speedy fashion.

well, in order to type code in SB (because if you're NOT typing code, you might as well just use a regular computer with a *real* keyboard), you'll need to type more than just letters. Basically, every printable ascii character except ` \ ^ ~ (might as well make it all of ASCII) I actually had an idea of using the L/R/ZL/ZR buttons to type (with the 3DS closed; so not possible in SB), with the combinations being (L,ZL,L+ZL,ZL+L)+(R,ZR,R+ZR,ZR,+R,)

The analog stick provides 8 useful directions, could use that. There's probably endless options for a concept like this.

The analog stick provides 8 useful directions, could use that. There's probably endless options for a concept like this.
more like 5

I really do like the "binary" concept. Certain buttons could be "shift 4" and "shift 8" or something similar to produce more combinations of keys.