
You know you program too much if...

Root / General / [.]

I say NO! We have to continue! And now that Iโ€™m unbanned, I can continue it! ...when someone says grammar mistake, you think of a syntax error
wrong thing to end. i meant the thing about different ways you lost your account.

I say NO! We have to continue! And now that Iโ€™m unbanned, I can continue it! ...when someone says grammar mistake, you think of a syntax error
wrong thing to end. i meant the thing about different ways you lost your account.
what it was a seven day ban lol

I say NO! We have to continue! And now that Iโ€™m unbanned, I can continue it! ...when someone says grammar mistake, you think of a syntax error
wrong thing to end. i meant the thing about different ways you lost your account.
what it was a seven day ban lol

Please, go to chat or PM to have off-topic conversations.

Please, go to chat or PM to have off-topic conversations.

You start your sentences with PRINT โ€œ, ?โ€ Or DATAโ€ and end them with โ€ EXAMPLE SENTENCE 1:PRINT โ€œI love catsโ€ EXAMPLE SENTENCE 2:?โ€I love dogsโ€ EXAMPLE SENTENCE 3:DATA โ€œI love pigsโ€ When you use or and and (lol) every time, even if you should use a comma EXAMPLE SENTENCE 1:Do you prefer cats or dogs or pigs EXAMPLE SENTENCE 2:I love cats and dogs and pigs Yes, I used cats, dogs and pigs for every example

if you think "you know you x too much when x" is an acceptable structure outside of the spoken word.
When you get upset when people use 'X' twice in the same expression to represent 2 completely different things (because boy would that screw up code)

When you have found yourself on a microcommunity of programmers (and non-programmers) who play a lesser-known game on a somewhat infamous console. BUt 3dS is stilI bettr then pS ViTA!!

When you interpret 'or' as AND in a sentence.

when you say SPSET 0,[insert number here] when you wake up when you say SP[whatever you use to move sprites] 0,your x co-ords,your y co-ords,your z co-ords and SPANIM 0,[insert numbers here] whenever you move when you say SPSET 0,[insert number here] whenever you sit down or lay down when you say SPSET 1,[insert number here] whenever you see someone when you say SPSET 0,1000 when you are about to die i can't think of a sixth one

when you say SPSET 0,[insert number here] when you wake up when you say SP[whatever you use to move sprites] 0,your x co-ords,your y co-ords,your z co-ords and SPANIM 0,[insert numbers here] whenever you move when you say SPSET 0,[insert number here] whenever you sit down or lay down when you say SPSET 1,[insert number here] whenever you see someone when you say SPSET 0,1000 when you are about to die i can't think of a sixth one

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!
idgi: i dont get it

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!
remove kabab
remove a kebab
idgi: i dont get it
1000 is skeleton

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!
remove kabab
remove a kebab
remove all the kebabs
1000 is skeleton kebab

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!
remove kabab
remove a kebab
idgi: i dont get it
1000 is skeleton
Stop it already

guess who removes kebabs? Da Waddles mi, and lumage!
remove kabab
remove a kebab
remove kebab
remove kebab
Stop it already

this thread was already stupid but thanks for destroying it anyway guys