
Who else doesn't use a stylus that much when they're programming?

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yeah, I try not to use a pen; I end up getting ink on my screen (protector). luckily, I usually have tons of empty mechanical pencils that I can use instead. the only thing that makes me cringe is when you use something metal, and it scratches the screen when it's at a certain angle. It's like nails on a chalkboard but 100x worse. I hope the n3DS's stylus holder doesn't stop working after a while, but I doubt they fixed the problem...

My 5th anniversary of buying my 3DS is coming up soon. I think 5 years explains the annoying cloud of scratch marks on the bottom screen, along with the 2 straight scratch lines on the top screen (stupid design choices are stupid).

lol i've had my 3ds for over 5 years now that I think about it also, i lost my stylus within the first two weeks of getting my 3ds and never got a replacement until now, which is why i use pointy objects and my fingers.

I somehow managed to not lose my original stylus, and it's still in my house... somewhere...