Might make SBS readonly: thread

Variable Width Text Library

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:Size:1.5 MB
Display variable width text using graphics! Supports fonts up to 32 px high!


1: LOAD "VFONT.LIB",0 : EXEC 1 2: load font using VFONT or VFONTSIMPLE: VFONTSIMPLE file$,size ex: VFONTSIMPLE "COMIC_SANS_MS",32 3: use VTEXTBOX to define the text printing area: VTEXTBOX x,y,width,height (default is 0,0,400,240 (whole screen) ) ex: VTEXTBOX 1,1,398,238 4: use VPRINT or VCENTER to display text: VPRINT text$, VCENTER text$ ex: VPRINT "test" see the included file HELP.TXT for more information

Why Comic Sans?

Why not Comic Sans?

Because Comic Sans sucks

but comic sans is the best font of all time!!!

Because comic sans is one of the most well-known fonts.

If you use this in your programs, then I think it's good (I'm convinced you don't display text how most do but I'm not sure as to what method you do use). If only I'd take time to learn how I can use this ... [EDIT]: How do you write 12Me21 in some programs where each set of 1 & 2 is one character?