Very relaxing. What does perfection mode do?
Lol it makes the DVD keep going in corners lmao
You can use LOAD "GRP4:SP_DVD",FALSE to avoid the "Confirm - Load file" dialog.
What is the source of this song? Is it an original composition?
It's "hip shop" from Deltarune
Replying to:
12Me21You can use LOAD "GRP4:SP_DVD",FALSE to avoid the "Confirm - Load file" dialog.
Thanks for the tip, i'll add that in the next update
Can confirm, it is indeed Hip Shop. It took too much effort to copy the song off a MIDI and put it into SmileBasic because MML is a bit threatening to learn. Making your own music in SmileBasic does kinda require something like sheet music at least to know how everything will be laid out in MML.
Not really. If you learn MML, it is pretty easy. But sheet music does help.