Might make SBS readonly: thread

The Fluffinator

Root / Submissions / [.]

This is a small program that will take a graphic sheet and fluffinate it! In other words, it will run through the graphic sheet and turn 16x16 areas into 8x8 areas, by making 2x2 pixels (they will still take up 16x16 pixels.)


This program by default will edit the default GRP4 sheet. Feel free to edit the program and use things like GPAGE and LOAD to fit your needs. There may be some sort of UI coming, but we'll have to see.


Cool and good

Oh and also

If you have small details, those might not show up very well or else will get blurred a bit :| Also, a black background replaces transparent stuff. This will probably be fixed soon.

what have you done to my sprites!?! by the way good job.

Replying to:thou_fatGAMER12
what have you done to my sprites!?! by the way good job.

Who dared to downvote my not-crappy stuff? You shall be punished! (Just kidding but tell me what to fix!)

boy i love piscalated graphics