Might make SBS readonly: thread


Root / Submissions / [.]

Strings variables are variables that hold text. A string variable's name always ends in $. (NAME$, S$, etc.) Strings in SB are 0-indexed, which means that the "first" character is actually the 0th. "ABC"[0] is A String functions: Code% = ASC(String$) -returns the ASCII value of the first character in the string. -gives an error if used on an empty string.
String$ = CHR$(Code%) -the inverse function of ASC, converts an ASCII value to a 1 character-long string.
Number = VAL(String$) -gets the number contained in a string. -if the string is not a valid number, returns 0
String$ = STR$(Number {,Digits%} ) -converts Number into a string. Inverse of VAL. If Digits% is specified, it will make the string that long, with spaces on the left.
Hexadecimal$ = HEX$(Number% {,Numberofdigits%} ) -converts a decimal Number into hexadecimal. Since hexidecimal has more than 10 numerals, it must be stored as a string. If Digits is specified, leading zeroes will be added.
String$ = FORMAT$(format$, List {,...} ) -similar to printf in other languages -explanation coming soon (this one is pretty complicated!) Length% = LEN(String$) -returns the length of String$
SubString$ = MID$(String$, Start%, Length%) -returns Length% characters, beginning at Start%, from String$
-MID$(String$,Position%,1) can be replaced by String$[Position%] SubString$ = LEFT$(String$, Length%) -returns the Length% leftmost characters from String$
SubString$ = RIGHT$(string$,Length%) -returns the Length% rightmost characters from String$
Position = INSTR({Start%,} String$, Search$) -returns the first position of Search$ in String$, starting from Start% (if specified). Returns -1 if the character is not found.
SubString$ = SUBST$(String$, Start% {,Length%}, Replacement$) -returns String$ with the first Length% characters starting from Start% replaced by Replacement$. If Length% is not specified, it will replace everything after Start%

code tags exist

Replying to:Yolkai
code tags exist
Tags take a while to type. I'll add some now.

What does that picture have to do with strings...?

Replying to:Minxrod
What does that picture have to do with strings...?
It's a long story... The image is just random picture I had on my computer.

Replying to:Minxrod
What does that picture have to do with strings...?
K den.

Is this still a WIP or is it finished and the title is just Strings (WIP)?

This page is great! There are a few slight improvements you can make though. For example, by removing all the text and deleting it

Replying to:12Me21
This page is great! There are a few slight improvements you can make though. For example, by removing all the text and deleting it
It's still helpful though, could do with a redo