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StockPro is a game about buying and selling stocks to make your money grow. It was influenced by an old Petit Computer game Mariominer created with the same name.


For menus, use the D-pad. In Manage Stocks, you use R and L to scroll through stocks. You click B to cancel a purchase or sale, and you can exit menus with X. You can skip the News by holding A. Other than that, it's pretty simple. You start out with 20 dollars. Use it wisely.


Please inform me of any bugs or if you would like to be in the next release.

Version 1.0 (initial release):

Includes a chart, news, stocks, stock splitting, and goes by month. Charts are 6 months. No more, no less (unless you're less than 6 months into the game) Stocks will split if their value is over 9000. You cannot own more stocks than are available. Random music plays each month. Saving and loading are in the game, as well as a save file, but are not currently useable in the menu

Version 1.1

Added Achievements, which are gained with smart stock manipulation and quick money-grabbing. Added Saving and Loading. Fixed issues with charts Charts now tell you their scale. Now companies will go bankrupt. Once all companies go bankrupt, new random companies will be created Now menus have more constant controls and looks Put in another company (sorry 12Me21) Buying and Selling stocks will tell you how much money you have and how much money you'll end with. Probably some other small fixes

Replying to:Perska
I like this game. A company had its stock price get negative. Then I kept buying them.
I have no idea how this happens. It's supposed to be where the stock price is the stock price before multiplied by 1+the percent change/100. IDK What's happening.

How would anyone think of this: A system where you can download company DLC and install it (so each company pack could have a file which you'd download into the project and then you'd run a program to install those companies)? It would be actual DLC, unlike what I've mostly seen before.

Replying to:Mariominer
How would anyone think of this: A system where you can download company DLC and install it (so each company pack could have a file which you'd download into the project and then you'd run a program to install those companies)? It would be actual DLC, unlike what I've mostly seen before.
I would love that!! =D
  • Buy the world... Check
  • Find new companies and buy them... So close

So it's Wall Street Kid all over again?
SpoilerWall Street Kid is a game for NES that is all about stocks and is amazingly boring.

Replying to:Guzzler
So it's Wall Street Kid all over again?
SpoilerWall Street Kid is a game for NES that is all about stocks and is amazingly boring.
yes stocks themselves are very boring

Nice game! I started adding in my own stuff , which was fun. Oh , and one more thing. How does the

Replying to:Guzzler
So it's Wall Street Kid all over again?
SpoilerWall Street Kid is a game for NES that is all about stocks and is amazingly boring.
It's kinda cool but...yeah.

Replying to:TheCoder501
Nice game! I started adding in my own stuff , which was fun. Oh , and one more thing. How does the
It's probably a user DEFined function that draws letters using sprites.

Replying to:TheCoder501
Nice game! I started adding in my own stuff , which was fun. Oh , and one more thing. How does the
Oh, SPTEXT if fairly simple because ASC("A")=65 and the sprite for A is number 65. SPTEXT basically just puts sprites of characters together, spaced accordingly. It doesn't, however, take into account any other factors. That means that if you tried to SPTEXT CHR$(65536), you'd get an error.