
StockPro, the unrealistic Stock simulator!

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I'll join! How about KRON.

MM12 would probably be better, but I don't really mind, so do whatever you like!

Okay, got you Krondelo. Now are there any companies that I should add that have helped SmileBASIC get to the west or be created in general besides Nintendo and SmileBoom? Maybe like Namco for the Japanese DLC?

Joedown or whatever

Can i have my own company? My company thing is HLNHNDM or HH

Is HYLHD good, HylianHoundoom?

Is HYLHD good, HylianHoundoom?

Here's Mine! G8R-S

CHIKN (PChicken)

You can add me 12ME

Count me in! I'll be FFVDG.

I hope this comes out soon! I don't think I've ever been this excited to check stocks!

I'd love to be in this! Could you add a link or QR so I could test the original?

How many "companies" should be in the game?

As many as possible. After all, that's how It is in real life. @RealTiP, I guess I could upload it. Or add code somewhere. It is under 100 lines I think (warning: It's not that good)

As many as possible. After all, that's how It is in real life. @RealTiP, I guess I could upload it. Or add code somewhere. It is under 100 lines I think (warning: It's not that good)
You can quote, but not multi quote.

As many as possible. After all, that's how It is in real life. @RealTiP, I guess I could upload it. Or add code somewhere. It is under 100 lines I think (warning: It's not that good)
You can quote, but not multi quote.
I know I can quote. I just choose not to.

As many as possible. After all, that's how It is in real life. @RealTiP, I guess I could upload it. Or add code somewhere. It is under 100 lines I think (warning: It's not that good)
You can quote, but not multi quote.
I know I can quote. I just choose not to.
Seems quotable. I like stocks. I wanna buy me some stocks!

As many as possible. After all, that's how It is in real life. @RealTiP, I guess I could upload it. Or add code somewhere. It is under 100 lines I think (warning: It's not that good)
You can quote, but not multi quote.
I know I can quote. I just choose not to.
Seems quotable. I like stocks. I wanna buy me some stocks!
So... When will this game be finished. Also, what is the nested quotes limit?

How far have you gotten, or what features have you finished?