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Spring Programming Contest 2017

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I won't submit my entry because I'm once again encountering lag/flickering problems and I won't have enough time to finish everything in time. I'm getting tired of SmileBASIC's limitations...
Well, you could sacrifice framerate. Or something. I'm pretty sure nobody will mind a game that runs at 10 FPS.

I won't submit my entry because I'm once again encountering lag/flickering problems and I won't have enough time to finish everything in time. I'm getting tired of SmileBASIC's limitations...
Does your program use a lot of graphic commands? Because if so, you could try double buffering and lowering the VSYNC

The slowdown was caused by accessing arrays too much and using AND/OR instead of &&/||. Well mostly just using sprites instead of BG tiles.

I'm probably not going to be finished with my entry by the deadline. I actually used the contest as motivation for learning how to use sprites and backgrounds So despite not finishing, I'll probably go ahead and enter it anyways. :P

Hopefully I'll be able to finish mine...I have a bad habit of overdoing things...

On another note, Nintendo is sending out banwaves for people with CFW on their 3ds's. So if I don't turn in my project then that probably means I got banned.

On another note, Nintendo is sending out banwaves for people with CFW on their 3ds's. So if I don't turn in my project then that probably means I got banned.
If that happens... Just post the source code and someone might compile it for you. (but just submit it a day or two early so it can be compiled before the deadline) Hopefully it's not more then 2000 lines.
Hopefully I'll be able to finish mine...I have a bad habit of overdoing things...
In my previous entries, I had the opposite problem, I oversimplified my entries, to the point that I had to scrounge for ways to improve it. Like adding custom music to "Rock Paper Scissors Stocks", and adding a victory screen (with Easter egg for winning in 3 moves or less) endings for "Guess2". However this time, I decided to raise my limits and I've almost finished the base rough game... I have these last few days to +Add the final boss (#1 priority, and probably around 150 lines of code or more) +Animate the Victory screen (got the basic print out finished at least) +Add power ups and tweak how Hit point work. +Add a tutorial screen, that explains the controls and introduces the UFO types. (with a X skip button) If I have still have extra time by Tuesday (in no particular order of priority) +Polish all the rough edges. +Create an 2nd mode: endless play. +figure out how to save a high score table. +Maybe make a quick custom BGM tune. +Fix drawing the jet trails behind the ASTEROGUE. (although the bad lines you leave when you boost-turn have grown on me a bit) +Add a 4th (or 5th) new UFO type for endless. (I probably could just mash a few of the other UFO's unique traits together.) And wait until Wednesday afternoon to take screenshots and post the entry.

I won't submit my entry because I'm once again encountering lag/flickering problems and I won't have enough time to finish everything in time. I'm getting tired of SmileBASIC's limitations...
If you are using page flipping with GPAGE, check to make sure you have it set up right. When I was making my asteroids clone it was having the same behavior on old 3DS. Then I switched around the page flipping code and things stopped flickering. It was still slow but it looked right. One of these days I'll finish that game.

I'm looking for feedback on my game, just thought I'd ask here. https://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=1310 (Scroll down to the bottom of the forum)

I'm looking for feedback on my game, just thought I'd ask here. https://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=1310 (Scroll down to the bottom of the forum)
Uh don't forget to make a page for it and add it to the Programming Contest category (like it says in the original post). Otherwise it won't be included in the contest.

No way I'm gonna be able to finish my project before the deadline. Should I just turn it in anyway? I only really started it for the participation badge and never expected to win.

I'm looking for feedback on my game, just thought I'd ask here. https://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=1310 (Scroll down to the bottom of the forum)
Uh don't forget to make a page for it and add it to the Programming Contest category (like it says in the original post). Otherwise it won't be included in the contest.
Thanks for the reminder, but that was my original intentions, I simply was giving a key out so that I could hopefully get some feedback.

No way I'm gonna be able to finish my project before the deadline. Should I just turn it in anyway? I only really started it for the participation badge and never expected to win.
erm it's up to you. If you at least put in some effort I'll give you the badge.

No way I'm gonna be able to finish my project before the deadline. Should I just turn it in anyway? I only really started it for the participation badge and never expected to win.
erm it's up to you. If you at least put in some effort I'll give you the badge.
I did put effort into it. It was probably too big of a project for me to deal with in the given time. But because of that, I didn't get too far into it. There's not really anything to play. :(

No way I'm gonna be able to finish my project before the deadline. Should I just turn it in anyway? I only really started it for the participation badge and never expected to win.
erm it's up to you. If you at least put in some effort I'll give you the badge.
I did put effort into it. It was probably too big of a project for me to deal with in the given time. But because of that, I didn't get too far into it. There's not really anything to play. :(
I would have had enough time to add most if not all the stuff I wanted into mine, but then all of a sudden, a ton of important events came out of nowhere for me these last few days...Anyway, sorry to hear CosmicTacoCat.

Question for you Random: Once I have entered a game into the contest, can I still update it as long as the entering period isn't over? (Before the 31st 11:59pm) Also, if one of my stories has 2 flight themed minigames, and birds, does that technically count? (Even though I'm kind of stretching it)

Question for you Random: Once I have entered a game into the contest, can I still update it as long as the entering period isn't over? (Before the 31st 11:59pm) Also, if one of my stories has 2 flight themed minigames, and birds, does that technically count? (Even though I'm kind of stretching it)
You can't update it because the poll will have your old key rather than the new one. Yes, that stuff is fine.

Question for you Random: Once I have entered a game into the contest, can I still update it as long as the entering period isn't over? (Before the 31st 11:59pm) Also, if one of my stories has 2 flight themed minigames, and birds, does that technically count? (Even though I'm kind of stretching it)
You can't update it because the poll will have your old key rather than the new one. Yes, that stuff is fine.
Okay, thanks! (Also I just meant BEFORE they're on the poll, but doesn't matter)

So... my space shooter never got off the ground unfortunately. I did make a simple platform game but it doesn't really fit the theme. I mean you could maybe stretch things and call it going up or down the flights of a building but that is about as close as I can get (and it is a bit of a stretch). Should I enter it , or just bow out gracefully? I don't care if I win any prizes, but I did want to enter.

Well, at the amount of submissions there are right now, no prizes will be given out at all. But if you do submit, the chances of there being prizes is higher.