Great program! So is this going to be used in Celestrium v.94?
SmileBASIC Terrain Generator v.Alpha
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SmileBASIC Terrain Generator (SBTG) is a simple terrain generator using Simeon's perlin noise implication.
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
I actually did experiment with a cursor but it was acting weird so I cut it before final release. And no. You can not use the terrain generator, even if you ask. I have plans for it.
Nah, it won’t be in Celestrium. Celestriums terrain generator is currently more feature full. I have other plans for this terrain generator though.
Ok. Just thought I'd ask. It's pretty neat, and it's very clean! I'd suggest a loading screen though so people will know it's loading.
Thank you! Yeah a loading screen is on the to-do list.
It's not loading anything, though
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
Cool. I actually did some testing and you can have a cursor using a sprite. I just located it at 192,112.
It takes a good while to generate the land. Just give it some time.
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
YOU WHAT?!?!?! I mean, NOT letting people use your Useful program. :[ Yeah, people will get jealous.
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
The thing is when im done with it, its going to be a game. I just need very early testers to make sure any optimization that can be done now is done now. I dont want people using assets i made for their own game before i finish mine, which is why i dont want people to use this for their own. Plus it doubles as motivation to actually develop it.
EDIT: Plus, having few features everyone can tamper with for a bit could result it useful feedback. Lets say theres a far faster way to do better lighting, preparing that now will be a whole lot better than having to work around lots of existing code that may rely on it later on.
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I tried to download the program but it say that the public key is incorrect (QKYDZ3DL).
Sorry about that! Heres the corrected version (QKYDZ3LD)
EDIT: For some reason i lost a save so that key isnt the one i meant to release, so now its QKQD1ECD
I like the new generation screen and cursor. I can tell the differences in lighting but it could still use some work like if you dig a hole at an angle it still lights it up some. It's coming along very nicely though.
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I like the new generation screen and cursor. I can tell the differences in lighting but it could still use some work like if you dig a hole at an angle it still lights it up some. It's coming along very nicely though.
Thanks! yeah the background will eventually produce light, im working on some sort of emission system so that blocks that are lit up spread light to surrounding blocks.
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I like the new generation screen and cursor. I can tell the differences in lighting but it could still use some work like if you dig a hole at an angle it still lights it up some. It's coming along very nicely though.
If I can't use this in a game I can base some mechanics off it?
depends i guess. I mean there arnt really any mechanics to use right now except for maybe lighting but thats just depends how and what you want to implement it in to, besides its unfinished.
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
SmileBASIC is a platform meant for Sharing. I even struggled to understand that SB Programs are meant for others to use. Just look at R-OS V, people copied it to prove me wrong. NOT letting others use your program for their own program will just make people want to do it more. Here is a direct quote from HTV04.
When you’re about to upload a program, SmileBASIC even warns you about this. You even use other people’s code for your programs. SmileBASIC is a platform meant for sharing open-source code in order to help others with their code, and going against that in order to make yourself look professional only makes it so that people want to avoid your program or copy it to prove you wrong. You need to accept that people have the ability to use your program when you upload it. But that’s okay, because other people can use your code as a resource, as well as improve your code in order to help you make your program better. And that’s the whole point about SmileBASIC, so don’t try to make other people feel bad for using your code; it’s just wrong. Plus, by making a big deal about it, it only attracts attention. I doubt people would be making a hundred copies of your program if you weren’t pushing the subject. Even now, there’s hardly any copies. If they wanted to use your code, they would most likely credit you too, so people would look to your program as well. So just accept that people will use your code, there’s no reason to get angry about it.
If you don't want people using your code, put it on a platform that actually forbids coping.
P.S. There is no copies of this program. But there may be one soon...
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Pretty good! A suggestion, though, you should make some cursor for where you mine.
Also, if we ask for use? I probably won't use this, but I am curious. Can we ask for use and have credits?
What would you use it for lmao just slap an implementation of a Simplex Noiss (like Simeon’s and hook it up to some bg layers and tiles. I can see the use in the light engine but even that’s unfinished. And if you copy why should I care, it’s not impressive. Yeah I said not to but I mean it’s more of a “hey it’s kinda a WIP expect more later there’s no use in having alpha software in your code that’s prone to being slow and buggy” kinda deal. Even if you did copy and use it for whatever would you even know how to alter the values in a meaningful way? What if there’s potentially a way faster version being worked on that changes everything? Conclusion, I just encouraged that you don’t use it your program because of how early in development it is. I’m not going to be mad if you copy it, just know it’s unfinished, that’s all lol.