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SmileBASIC Source Weekly Program Showcase #3

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Before starting, I should tell you that there wasn't a showcase FOR TWO WEEKS due to the small amount of submissions. But this week seems to be an expection, since a lot of neat programs were released! (the first two programs are older than a week) THIS DID NOT GO UP LAST WEEK SINCE THE POWER WENT OUT WHILE I WERE WRITING THIS eh whatever StockPro By: Mariominer, Public Key: 54VNY3Z4 It's a stock! It's a pile of money! It's StockPro! (if I used something similar to this then my memory is weird) This game is about stocks. What do you do with stocks? Buy them! Sell them! Have them plummet! As the months go, the stocks' prices change. As the months change, you buy/sell stocks. Yeh. Friendly Pellet Rain By: raimondz, Public Key: AB2ENWNE Here we have a clone of Undertale's bullet hell system, with a free "Bad Time" simulator included! It may not be perfect, but hey, at least it works! CAVE ISLAND By: PUWATTO-X, Translated by: lohadl Public Key: YKSKEX36 Sometimes a program pops up. Sometimes it is low effort. Sometimes it is bad. BUT NOT TODAY! In CAVE ISLAND, you control a person called Masapon, whose ship fell to the ocean. He then talks to the king, who gives him a task to find the legendary Dhiamond. Eventually, you find cool items, making this whole thing much easier! Can you find the treasure? Maybe! The ending is a bit funny. Go check it out. CHIP-8 Emulator/Interpreter By: RaichuBender, Public Key: 73NVK3L4 This one is a CHIP-8 emulator (or an interpreter)! This lets you run your CHIP-8 programs on SmileBASIC, but if you don't know how to get them, don't worry! There are 26 roms included. It may have some bugs, but it doesn't really matter to me. Tower of Hanoi By: Simeon, Public Key: LACYY3LJ Does your brain need to get better? Do you think that you need to get better at puzzle games? Then this is for you! This program is supposed to make your brain working, but it doesn't seem to work properly I think? PONG 3D By: MYCRAFTisbest, Public Key: CAV3K3Z4 A mix of pong and ping pong. Play against the CPU or play with a wall! (My high score is 1321) This was made with the eZSB toolkit. (I were thinking about putting something here, but I have no idea what to put here)
a small messageI might make the showcase monthly, so there is more chance for programs to be released. What do you people think? The showcase would become "SmileBASIC Source Monthly Program Showcase"



Sometimes a program pops up. Sometimes it is low effort. Sometimes it is bad.
You have insulted my game!!

You have insulted my game!!
If that was an insult somehow, then it was unintentional.

You have insulted my game!!
If that was an insult somehow, then it was unintentional.
dont be mean alright we got some good programmers here ya gotta give em credit where credit is due eh.

Wait... if my game was bad... why did you showcase it then? XD My bad

Wait... if my game was bad... why did you showcase it then? XD My bad
When did I say it was bad?

Thanks for showcasing my CHIP-8 emulator! It means a lot to me! Keep this up, there are some real great programs on this site. Instead of weekly, why not monthly?

cool showcase this would be much better if we had more programs to showcase though

cool showcase this would be much better if we had more programs to showcase though
I think that's why they suggested a monthly showcase (or at least part of the reason)

sho case mines

well if we are running out of programs just make up fake ones.

well if we are running out of programs just make up fake ones.
like showcase programs you wish existed lol in order to fix the absence of programs, i am working on a new little "ASCII Platformer", yet this one is going to:
  • have an actual name
  • have some cool features that the original platformer didnt, like JUMPING :O
  • have a level editor
and some other silly stuff

well if we are running out of programs just make up fake ones.

well if we are running out of programs just make up fake ones.
yes Just use older programs that didn't get showcased.

Please do this monthly, oh super Perskie.

Please do this monthly, oh super Perskie.

If monthly makes these showcases more awesome, then I'm all for it.

Yay, Stockpro made it on the list :D