ive been waiting for this to come up! took you long enough! *reporting in for active duty!*
Haha Sorry to keep you waiting! :D
This is my first game and I'm so excited to make it :-D
I'm glad you are excited! We were working hard on the game the past couple of days and this is what we have so far if you are interested in looking :)
I hope you like it :)
Howdy, you two! :) Just added a few things and fixed the STICK controls, but you can check the notes for the more significant things. Here's the most up-to-date code: 4RN353VD
Also, just thought I should mention that I heard there's a size limit on uploadable programs. I don't know what that limit is, but since the total characters in the file are rather large, I think we should keep this detail in mind.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. The limit is 4 megabytes but I think we will be okay because that game "Mazento Mori" was 31,000 Lines of code and it was only like 2 Megabytes but our project might be huge so I'll try to keep that in mind when I'm coding :D
PS: The new code is Amazing!!!
Hey Reset Here is a new version of Smile World that I edited. I made little improvements to the code like removing colons to save space. Fun Fact: the colons only need to be used to seperate clearing commands with other commands I think haha. I labeled some stuff like the Circle Pad and D_Pad and I plan to make the title screen for smile world look even better in the future :)
E3LEN34E :)
I finished the new title screen!!! :D
You're welcome! Here is the file key with the new sprite thing and everything! :D
Yes That's a great idea! I will work on it now! :D
EDIT: How's this? :D
I have a good idea! Let's have three buttons on the bottom! One for "Start Game" One for "Language" because my friend was nice enough and offered to do the Japanese version of the game for people who don't speak English and then a button for "Options" is that okay? :D