SB Modem/Terminal
Root / Submissions / [.]
I don't feel like explaining this now....
videos: (alternate font, requires modifying code, uhh...) (old, 4000bps)
8000 bits/sec modem + terminal emulator
I guess it would make more sense to make some kind of file transfer tool but oh well
Currently only PC -> 3DS transfer is finished.
Replying to:HTV04
Can I use the Linux Subsystem for Windows with this (is this a Ubuntu console application)
If it's possible then this is basically Windows-compatible too.
Yes, this [should] work in WSL (though I don't think recent versions have been tested in it): see the "Audio support" section on for getting pulseaudio set up. You will need a PA server on the windows side.
Replying to:HTV04
Can I use the Linux Subsystem for Windows with this (is this a Ubuntu console application)
If it's possible then this is basically Windows-compatible too.
Oh right I should've mentioned that oops