Ruebled Official Thread
Ok You both can helping :)Thanks. I'll do my best!
Just a reminder, I will not be working on this until TWS gets released. When that finally happens, I will restart working on the system (again lol.) When that finally happens, I will post how parts of the code will work, so that the code workers can have a say in how the system works, and so that they can understand the system better. When development is finally resumed, work on this will explode. That may take a while, however, because of school and loads of homework :/
I will do what I can with this while still doing my best in school, but I won't have much time to do stuff. But school isn't a horrible hindrance, and TWS will get a decent amount of work.
Wow I need to be more motivational lol And I'm really successful in music because I do it a ton xD Yeah basically that, the more you do something the better you get, so keep doing it so that you can get better!man you people are WAY better devs than me.Programming isn't like the Ancient Rome! You have the opportunity to become a better developer, even better than us if you give it enough attention and willpower. (motivational banana)
i mean i've made a few banger musics and uh serviceable sprites n' stuff but that's about it. i'd really need to drop the A D D for a second to like read what i need to know you people are WAY better devs than me.Programming isn't like the Ancient Rome! You have the opportunity to become a better developer, even better than us if you give it enough attention and willpower. (motivational banana)
Idk where else to put this so... [poll=p609][/poll]I suggest anime planet If not, Sonic planet If not, Mario planet If not, Mega Man planet If not, see the favorite section of my page :v
Ok guess I'm making a pizza planet now?Ok :)
Thermal planet, it's a big light city, everything is light. The ground is light the atmosphere is light, EVERYTHING IS LIGHT!