Realm will be moved to SB4. Reason: SB3 is dying and everyone is moving now, so I guess I need to redo the game with the SB3 prototype assets. Even SB4 is more powerful so I guess making the game on SB3 will not be worthy.
New discussion page:
Now with Discord!
Hi there, I’ve finally decided to reincarnate the ill-fainted “Metaverse” Project into a new Zelda-style gameplay with high-quality sprites...
Progress of the game: 5%(?)
What I've done (along my Dev. Team):
Main Map (50% complete?)
Bag System (0% complete, supposed to be done on the touch-screen.)
Battle System (0% complete, I don't know how to make real-time battles so...)
Title Screen (100% complete.)
Sprites (53% complete, I guess I will add more of them.)
Environmental Advantage (0% complete, same as Battle System...)
The game has been completely redone to polish it more, and some new, polished, and not-so-complex sprites made by thou_fatGAMER12 are available on the game!
Also new title screen thanks to thou_fatGAMER12
If you want to join developing the game, feel free to ask me on the thread!
Dev Team:
the_squat1115 (Owner, Sprite Developer and Coding)
rando (Boss designer, can give suggestions)
thou_fatGAMER12 (New sprites, new logotype/title screen and Sprite Developer)
Last updated: Thursday 2/4/2020 18:14 P.M.