UPDATE: Added new map (WIP)

Legend says if you look in the reflection of the picture above you can see the Angry Video Game NerdGood joke but please dont make offtopic things on here Otherwise Yolkai will lock it
K by the way the game looks cool Or should I say sprites oopLegend says if you look in the reflection of the picture above you can see the Angry Video Game NerdGood joke but please dont make offtopic things on here Otherwise Yolkai will lock it
Or should I say sprites oopOOP? You mean, sprite developer?
DEF MAPREAD V1'Read map data RESTORE”@MAP_0”+STR$(V1) FOR I#=0 TO LEN(BGTABLE)-1 READ BGTABLE[I#] NEXT FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 READ MAP$[I#] NEXT END DEF MAPRENDER FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 FOR J#=0 TO LEN(MAP$[I#])-1 BGPUT 0,J#,I#,BGTABLE[(ASC(MID$(MAP$[I#],J#,1)))-48] NEXT NEXT ENDI still can’t understand whats going on, so I guess you can give me a hand. P.S: Now searching Sprite Developers and Story Developers
UPDATE: Well, I’ve been not posting updates of the game because I’m stuck with this:How big is your BGTABLE and what characters are you putting in your maps?Error: Subscript out of range in 0:47 Code (credit to rando for the map generator):
DEF MAPREAD V1'Read map data RESTORE”@MAP_0”+STR$(V1) FOR I#=0 TO LEN(BGTABLE)-1 READ BGTABLE[I#] NEXT FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 READ MAP$[I#] NEXT END DEF MAPRENDER FOR I#=0 TO LEN(MAP$)-1 FOR J#=0 TO LEN(MAP$[I#])-1 BGPUT 0,J#,I#,BGTABLE[(ASC(MID$(MAP$[I#],J#,1)))-48] NEXT NEXT ENDI still can’t understand whats going on, so I guess you can give me a hand. P.S: Now searching Sprite Developers and Story Developers
So you removed the characters not 0-9? Does it work or not with this?Still, it does not work.
Which line is line 47? Is it the BGPUT line?Yes it is
Make sure you set your BGSCREEN to 127x127 tiles.I’ll see if thats the problem :) EDIT: Well... I put the BGSCREEN 0,127,127 command you wanted, but I have the same error...