Project Magic
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This may be a surprise to those who have checked out my profile page, but I have decided to create a game for SmileBASIC, currently called "Project Magic." Since I am a total noob at BASIC, this won't be super complicated unless I get super smart in the next few weeks. As of this post, I am currently close to completion with the first demo, and I have a finalized title that will be revealed "soon..." It'll look something like the following:
I have submitted the demo for the SmileBOOM staff to review. You should be able to get your hands on the demo sometime in the next few days. I'm not sure how it works, since this is the first thing that I have submitted.Talking about uploading files to the server? The review process literally lasts seconds. It doesn't actually go through a committee or anything, it's just a server-automated process to try and block blacklisted/copyrighted content. You can probably get us the download key right now! Go to your network menu and hit the Download button. Tell us the orange public key next to the project you uploaded, and we should be able to get it. EDIT: Boomp.
Unfortunately, Project Magic's development is being postponed in favor of Project T.O.Y. for Windows/Mac OS X. I could finish Project Magic in a matter of weeks, while Project T.O.Y. is nowhere near complete after three months of development. Also, I'm thinking about posting Project T.O.Y. onto GameJolt so everyone will have access to it. Thank you for your compliance in advance. As a reward, here's a teaser that will be posted onto in the next two weeks. Again, thank you for your compliance in advance.
“I saw them again,” I said nervously.
“Really?” she replied. “I thought that it was just some weird dream thing”
“But it wasn’t a dream this time.” I explained. “I was actually there this time, rather than looking through someone else’s eyes. I was actually feeling everything there, making my own decisions. I even saw you, ju—”
“Don’t bring me into this,” she interrupted. “I already feel uncomfortable enough about this topic.”
“Okay,” I replied. I wish she could have known about what I saw, who she was with, and what she did. Instead, I had to live with whatever I experienced without her support.
Update: I now have a Gamejolt page for Project TOY. I'm trying to hit a summer release for that, then jump back into Project Magic. I might cancel it depending on whether or not I want to include it in a top secret project of mine. The Gamejolt page is below:
I know that this isn't necessarily related to Project Magic, but Project TOY Beta sign-ups are now open! Go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page to the email widget. You must enter your name/username, email, grade in the American education system/your age, and say "Project TOY Beta."
Note: All information you reveal to me will be confidential, so don't worry about online leaks.
I saw on your previous link that this game is meant for a 21" display. Does your beta app allow people with smaller displays to test?I don't know how Unity will handle that quite yet. Once I make the build, I'll see if it works with larger and smaller displays. In the Unity application it only works with one display size.