I'm trying to insert a print command into another program via a variable (it doesn't matter if this makes sense) and I'm wondering if there is a way to print a quotation. I know in Visual Basic you can just put a \ in and it'll ignore the quotation mark but is there a way in SB?
Printing quotations
Speed test results (MS per 1,000,000):
"”" 1878 (doesn't work as a " in code) Q$ 1918 CHR$(34) 2683 KEY(3)[4] 2888 (don't use this lol) Q() 3862Test code:
C=MILLISEC FOR I=1 TO 1000000 S$="thing to test"*1 NEXT ?MILLISEC-CThis isn't really important though, since even the slowest one only takes 0.000004 seconds (PRINT takes around 0.0004).
Thanks so much every one, I just had created a variable to store my quotation, thanks for the help!