I know the 3DS is not multitouch compatible, but check this out.
If you punch this small code in
@L GCLS TOUCH OUT TM,TX,TY GPSET TX,TX,#WHITE VSYNC 1 GOTO @Land if you try and use two fingers on the screen, you should see the white point sit itself evenly between your two fingers. What's more, if you give one of the two fingers slightly less pressure, you should observe the point move more so towards the finger with more pressure, so I guess my idea here can serve as a means for pressure sensitivity. Perhaps some genius programmer can reap an awesome bit of code to accurately guess the location of the two fingers by monitoring the movements of the coordinates of the oscillating pixel. I've already played around with this enough, and I think it to be quite a challenge. I'd imagine the pixel would have to oscillate in order to make assumptions of the finger's locations. What do you think?