Might make SBS readonly: thread

Please Help Me with saving!!!

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

I think this thread might help you, specifically the last part of my post.

ok so now I have
save "dat:savedata",savedata
and it says type mismatch in 0:78(save:2)
And which line is line 78?

oh, umm save "dat:savedata",save there you go, have a nice day

To everyone that has helped me. (I've figured it out) May I put your guy's names in the credits... I feel bad for seeming pushy and would like to somehow repay your guy's help buy showing my appreciation.

To everyone that has helped me. (I've figured it out) May I put your guy's names in the credits... I feel bad for seeming pushy and would like to somehow repay your guy's help buy showing my appreciation.
You should probably just give the SmileBASIC Source Community a mention. Putting everyone's name for such a small question really isn't necessary

To everyone that has helped me. (I've figured it out) May I put your guy's names in the credits... I feel bad for seeming pushy and would like to somehow repay your guy's help buy showing my appreciation.
You should probably just give the SmileBASIC Source Community a mention. Putting everyone's name for such a small question really isn't necessary
Yeah, that's what I'd do, no need to mention each and every one that helped here.