This is likely going to be taken down for copyright infringement. But still, nice job.
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VakoreThis is likely going to be taken down for copyright infringement. But still, nice job.
You are most likely correct
I just want to ask? Does this work anymore?
(Mostly because I needed a backup for my sprites when they get messed up, and when I used it, it glitched.)
Your skill is awesome
Wait, so for you this sprite set can actually be loaded? Well thank you anyways! I'm glad you like it. I'll be using it, but if you want you can, too. Because I'm slow (not mentally).
No really, did you actually get the sprites? Or was what you got a glitchy mess?
This program/resource is copyrighted and still, it hasn't been taken down. I'm impressed.
Yea, well I don't think EA is too worried about someone sharing a few innocent sprites of their franchise on a obscure 3DS game that is now in most eyes dead, that little are going to see nor use, on a unknown website.
Also, I think they wouldn't take it down most likely because it isn't trying to copy the game but share art. Then again, who am I to say, maybe I should take it down before I get anything bad happening to me