Was 2400 bps there before, or is it a new speed?
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12Me21Why is line 24 commented out?
I uncommented it and the PCM seems to work fine (at least for 3DS->PC transfer) even at 2400 bps
Because I have not tested enough the PCM feature on old 3DS.
If it works, you can use it.
but I think you don't need it.
PCMstream has two advantage.
one is "continuous wave" and the other is "low quantized error".
In this version, All packets have "two sec" length which is capable even in WAVSETA.
and the quantized error is small enough at 2400bps according to my calculation and measurement.
I think we need PCMSTREAM abobe 9600bps.
Looks like it's time to update it.
This works much better than the previous version on my computer!
Can you add a simple browse for files option in the LZSS as an alternative to the drag and drop? I'm a Linux user and Wine does not support drag and drop.
This submission should be way more popular
This looks great, but alas at the moment I don't have a PC with windows.
More Windows-only software. DansGame
I could not get this to work.... even after running it for 27 hours
I was using a 3.5mm AUX cable, that only carried sound from the 3DS to the computer. The settings were Simplex with 600 bps
Simplex only needs 1 way communication.
How would I know i I had the framework installed? I finally got a pc running windows and I would like to test this out
Replying to:
ImasheepHow would I know i I had the framework installed? I finally got a pc running windows and I would like to test this out
Just download the program and see if it works. I'm pretty sure .NET comes with windows.