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nRogue (trans)

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Time to shake up the SmileBasic community with another game I translated -- Neko800's nRogue! Ah, the grandfather of ASCII-based dungeon hack RPG, the daunting quest of searching that Amulet of Nendor™ and returning safely. Not to mention hundreds of hours wasted, flambéed by that ONE dastard Dragon... The objective is to crawl down as many floors as you can without getting killed by monsters (marked A-Z), reach to B26F or beyond, get that Amulet of Nendor and climb back. Press A to access your inventory. Use your items to fend off those beasts, but make sure you're using the CORRECT items! If you've never played a roguelike before, my dear young friend, now's the time!


D-pad: Move lt, rt, up, dn C-pad: Move one square diagonally A: Action menu B: Rest one turn Y: Sort items Symbols: Refer to "Story & Controls" Ver 1.13e update: -Amulet of Nendor now starts to appear at B26F instead of B27F -Illegal function call issue hopefully solved -Fixed item discoloration during hallucination


Author: Neko800 Translator: LohadL.

Well, there goes my idea of making a roguelike lol. Awesome, though! Edit: How do you have time to do anything else other than translate, Lohadl?

People can always find time programming and maybe participating in your summer contest, but instead of doing that I choose to translate programs I enjoy. That's all there's to it ;) Now guys, tell me what your best score/progress so far is!

It looks like a cool game! I can't wait to try it out!

Its TFTL only upgraded! Looks great, plays well, I like the fact that you have to figure out what stuff does. I keep drinking bad potions :(

My best score is 1150 at the moment. Thank you so much for translating this; you did a great job!

Retro awesomeness! This is a great game to play in between study time. Thanks for the translation LohadL!

Great game, I was surprised with the custom graphics for basically being text based graphics. My best score so far is 42,350.

My best progress (not score) after release so far: Got Amulet of Nendor but Killed by Flytrap at 20F

OMG I love Rouguelikes!

llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F

Replying to:12Me21
llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F
Can you recall what the situation was? During my test runs we found out it was the Potion of Blindness that was causing illegal fxn calls which was eventually fixed. If neko can fix this, maybe (probably against his will) I can dumb down the game in the next ver so it's not as unforgivingly hard as the original...

Replying to:12Me21
llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F
Unforgivingly hard is good! If someone wants to, they can just look at the code and change stuff on their own. It's SmileBasic after all :)

Replying to:12Me21
llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F
I think the current difficulty is perfect.

222760 Got AofN but Killed by Griffin at B22F

Replying to:12Me21
llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F
Yeah, I think the difficulty is great once you figure everything out. Though it is a bit obtuse starting out, so maybe I'll just write a reference guide for other players ;)

Replying to:12Me21
llegal function call in 0:2712(SPOFS:1)
2016/07/12 Killed by Illegal Function Call at 0:2712F
Before the error, the player turned invisible (or maybe they went off screen or something, somehow?)

Try the new key everyone. Copy and paste your save first if you want to keep your high scores

Pretty good remake of rogue.

Love this game very good translate. Will you be porting any others?

Replying to:Windy
Love this game very good translate. Will you be porting any others?
Yes, I will keep translating SB games I enjoy. No, I am not open to requests