
Minecraft 3DS Edition Thread

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

The Rewrite is going good... Lots of lag...


Can I join development? I want to be a artist

Can I join development? I want to be a artist
An artist You forgot to grammar.

Can I join development? I want to be a artist
An artist You forgot to grammar.
I don’t care about grammar

Can I join development? I want to be a artist
An artist You forgot to grammar.
I don’t care about grammar
. You forgot to grammar. The grammar league will get you! The Grammar League

Can I join development? I want to be a artist
An artist You forgot to grammar.
I don’t care about grammar
. You forgot to grammar The Rocket League will get you!
Fudge that game.
I don't like your language. I'm flagging that. (oh no fudge isn’t safe anymore
Ur and fudging idiot. Has you notice that?
I've noticed. I just didn't know what flagging a post was then.
Alright. I knew flagging was BEFORE you said that (DUN DUN DUNNNN)
He's trying to make himself look smarter then you. Hes failing, but at least he made the effort. So the next thing you need to work on is sounding professional, as you're probably 7 it's probably too hard for you to understand but not adding "dun dun dunnnn" to your posts and acting not like a child may help you programs in life. Take the advice.

Also more people should probable quote only the message(s) they're responding too, posts can get very long otherwise lol

Can I join development? I want to be a artist
An artist You forgot to grammar.
I don’t care about grammar
. You forgot to grammar The Rocket League will get you!
Fudge that game.
I don't like your language. I'm flagging that. (oh no fudge isn’t safe anymore
Ur and fudging idiot. Has you notice that?
I've noticed. I just didn't know what flagging a post was then.
Alright. I knew flagging was BEFORE you said that (DUN DUN DUNNNN)
He's trying to make himself look smarter then you. Hes failing, but at least he made the effort. So the next thing you need to work on is sounding professional, as you're probably 7 it's probably too hard for you to understand but not adding "dun dun dunnnn" to your posts and acting not like a child may help you programs in life. Take the advice.

Also more people should probable quote only the message(s) they're responding too, posts can get very long otherwise lol

Yep... I can see why you are not gonna be an artist...

Could you PM me a key for the SIM.3D prototype, RGames? I still haven’t received one. I’ve come up with more experiments to try out with the game, so I can test those if I have access to it. Oh, and for those wondering why I’m a developer now, I’m basically just optimizing the game and trying it out on different systems. I’m also seeing if I can add more features to the game.

Yep... I can see why you are not gonna be an artist...
aw oh well

HTV04, the key is right on the first post.

Other than the lag this thing is pretty lit

RGamesOfficial, this game is pretty good. But can you add an option for first person?

I just downloaded the game to begin working on it, and I noticed that it works flawlessly on New 3DS! There doesn’t seem to be any lag for me at all. I even tested it without the extra DLC features, and it still works pretty fast. I’ll try optimizing it for people without the DLC or a New 3DS now that I’m able to mess around with the code.

RGamesOfficial, this game is pretty good. But can you add an option for first person?
It is, it’s just that the controls aren’t perfect at the moment. It would be way harder to code a third person mode, lol.

It is not True 1st person right now... I am fixing the small bug right now

I made a modded version. If you want me to take it down, I will. Heres the key: EE7EVNHE