[manual] FORMAT$ space padding documentation is incorrect.
Root / SmileBASIC Bug Reports / [.]
I do this:You typoed. In the second example it should be % 3D and the first example should be %03D. It looks as though when trying to use space padding, it will always expand to the number of digits + 1 space if the size of the number is less or equal to the number you specified, even though it's supposed to just expand to fit the number. Weirldy enough %4D and % 4D do exactly the same thing. I've always used the former, but I recall it putting the spaces AFTER the number as opposed to the space padding (I didn't even know the space padding format existed.) Did FORMAT$ get really screwed up in 3.3.0 or am I just remembering wrong?PRINT "*";FORMAT$("%03",999);"*"and it shows this: (*s added to show beginning and end of string)*999*But if I do this:PRINT "*";FORMAT$("% 3",999);"*"then this shows up:* 999*What is going on?
No, I am just remembering wrong and SB puts the spaces before regardless of whether you space pad or not. I just get the weirdest feeling that's not how it's supposed to work. I'll have to try format strings in other langs.
EDIT: What I am describing is common practice it seems, even with %4D and % 4D doing the same thing! I'm just being neurotic and seeing more bugs where they don't exist -_-