
Make some funny Sonic drawings (ends March 18th)

Root / General / [.]

His name is FazsYuO after his randomly generated imgur tag, and his special power is heart, hugs, and color blindness
Oh god that's horrifying. I love it; thanks!

His name is FazsYuO after his randomly generated imgur tag, and his special power is heart, hugs, and color blindness
Oh god that's horrifying. I love it; thanks!
Five Nights at FazYuO's.

Should I try to make an actually better drawing or should I submit my older one?
Oh sorry, I missed this one. You can do whatever you like! I've already got your old drawing, but if you want to make a different one, that'd be great too! I need all the images I can get.

You remember the ones I did, right? You know, the best ones? ------------------------------------------------------------- http://goo.gl/2B3wMq

His name is FazsYuO after his randomly generated imgur tag, and his special power is heart, hugs, and color blindness
christ that's scary

You know it's gonna look great when you put less than 10 minutes into it. #MakeSanicGreatAgain
Nice; thanks!
No problem :D

PS: How to use [img ] [img/]?

not the worst thing i've done

PS: How to use [img]?
[img]image url[/img] what that's not what I wrote eh I'll figure it out

not the worst thing i've done
Awesome, thank you!

Here's my masterpiece, Bug the Cot:

Here's Amros:

@UltraPhoenix4 "Great! Great! Great!" - Silver the Hedgehog, 2012

Aw, no more submissions?


I could do something Slanik eht hogdhebleh masterpiece

You might not have this one

You might not have this one
I have that one already.
I could do something Slanik eht hogdhebleh masterpiece
Lol all right

Here he comes. Rougher than the rest of them.