Might make SBS readonly: thread

lmao nope

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You guys remember how I wanted to make an NES emulator on the PetitComputer forums? I finally did a speed test after seeing the NES runs at ~1.79mHz on one page. ... ... ... 1.3 kHz. Hahah, NO. (I'm sorry I didn't listen before.)

You could try making a program that compiles a ROM into a working program now that you can edit source files.

You could try making a program that compiles a ROM into a working program now that you can edit source files.
Is it... can it be? SOMEONE HELPING ME? :D

I wonder if something in this thread will ever make sense

My favorite kind.

I wonder if something in this thread will ever make sense
You should ask just me. I love spontaneity.

Is there something less powerful than the NES, but more complex than chip8 to be emulated? In other words, is there some machine out there within the grasp of the mighty SmileBASIC? Don't say atari2600, that's somehow more difficult to emulate than the NES.

Is there something less powerful than the NES, but more complex than chip8 to be emulated? In other words, is there some machine out there within the grasp of the mighty SmileBASIC? Don't say atari2600, that's somehow more difficult to emulate than the NES.
Yeah, that surprised me.

Is there something less powerful than the NES, but more complex than chip8 to be emulated?
How about a Texas Instruments graphing calculator? My impression is that they haven't significantly changed since I was a middle school student in the early 90s. Just think, though! You could save money for millions of American middle-school students who are for some reason still required to buy one of those things, if those students already own a 3DS. EDIT: By the way, is that speed a 3DS or a "New 3DS"?

Is there something less powerful than the NES, but more complex than chip8 to be emulated?
How about a Texas Instruments graphing calculator? My impression is that they haven't significantly changed since I was a middle school student in the early 90s. Just think, though! You could save money for millions of American middle-school students who are for some reason still required to buy one of those things, if those students already own a 3DS.
That was one of the things I thought of.

Those are more powerful than the NES processor-wise. Though of course, you don't have to emulate complicated graphics hardware.

SB might be able to execute less instructions than the NES, but you can do a lot more with one instruction than the NES could. Emulating it still wouldn't be feasible with any consistency, but some things certainly could be.

I just like to think of the Megaman 2 comparison. Megaman 2 was successfully ported to PTC in full, so PTC is at least roughly as powerful as the NES. SmileBASIC is more powerful than PTC, therefore SmileBASIC is more powerful than an NES. But that's about ports, not emulation. I agree with Snail above me that emulation isn't feasible, but probably any NES game could be individually ported to SB.

I agree with neatnit.

They could be ported, but not distributed. Not without Petit MODEM!

You could try making a program that compiles a ROM into a working program now that you can edit source files.
Yep, Static recompilation. If anyone wants to try I'm sure that this article, which outlines the process, would be quite helpful to them! http://andrewkelley.me/post/jamulator.html

You could try making a program that compiles a ROM into a working program now that you can edit source files.
Yep, Static recompilation. If anyone wants to try I'm sure that this article, which outlines the process, would be quite helpful to them! http://andrewkelley.me/post/jamulator.html
This is almost a year old..

(now that it's acceptable to post here, I guess...) I don't believe 1.3 kHz is accurate, because he never told us HOW he got that value

I'm still dearly hoping for the day SquareFingers conducts some wonderful extensive speed tests.

Is there something less powerful than the NES, but more complex than chip8 to be emulated?
How about a Texas Instruments graphing calculator? My impression is that they haven't significantly changed since I was a middle school student in the early 90s. Just think, though! You could save money for millions of American middle-school students who are for some reason still required to buy one of those things, if those students already own a 3DS. EDIT: By the way, is that speed a 3DS or a "New 3DS"?
You could contact me if you need any help with that. I write software for those things all the time. I'm pretty good with Z80 Assembly.