List of Errors
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Error 43 (Can't use from direct mode)
<direct mode> XSCREEN 2 OK DISPLAY 1 Can't use from direct mode(DISPLAY)Error 44 (Can't use in program)
<edit mode> NEW <direct mode> RUN Syntax error in 0:1Error 31 (Subscript out of range)
<edit mode> DIM ARRAY[5] FOR I=0 TO 5 ARRAY[I] = I ?ARRAY[I] NEXT <direct mode> RUN 0 1 2 3 4 Subscript out of range in 0:3 OKError 7 (Divide by 0)
<direct mode> ?1/0 Divide by zero OKError 15 (Undefined variable)
<edit mode> OPTION STRICT VAR A VAR B A=3:B=5 ?A ?B C = A + B ?C <direct mode> RUN Undefined variable in 0:7It's a compiler error, not runtime
You asked me to remove it a while ago lol
but no seriously i got an internal error i used SPANIM 0,2,"",FILEANIM,0
the code for setting the array was this:
then when i run it and get to SPANIM, BOOM INSTANT INTERNAL ERROR!
am i supposed to add a timing thing to the array or something?
Replying to:
but no seriously i got an internal error i used SPANIM 0,2,"",FILEANIM,0
the code for setting the array was this:
then when i run it and get to SPANIM, BOOM INSTANT INTERNAL ERROR!
am i supposed to add a timing thing to the array or something?
You don't have an animation type. See this page for info on how to use SPANIM
Error 35 happens, when you load a map as a graphics page and vice versa. (I encountered this, when I accidentally typed in the name of a file containing map data... in the graphics editor!)
Replying to:
but no seriously i got an internal error i used SPANIM 0,2,"",FILEANIM,0
the code for setting the array was this:
then when i run it and get to SPANIM, BOOM INSTANT INTERNAL ERROR!
am i supposed to add a timing thing to the array or something?
Internal is a very strange error code to use for this; Illegal animation data is the one that would make the most sense, obviously.
35: Illegal file format
The file is in a format that SmileBASIC cannot support (Example: If you put a .EXE (Windows Executable) onto SB and tried to load it.)
Replying to:
Error 35 happens, when you load a map as a graphics page and vice versa. (I encountered this, when I accidentally typed in the name of a file containing map data... in the graphics editor!)
So like if you load a DAT as a GRP I assume.
Replying to:
Error 35 happens, when you load a map as a graphics page and vice versa. (I encountered this, when I accidentally typed in the name of a file containing map data... in the graphics editor!)
Yeah. This crashes due to using a wrong array with the wrong amount of elements.
524288 elements are needed. A map file is way less than that I guess 'cause GAME3JUMP has a map size of almost 64 KB.
I had a GRP file MAP_000 and tried to open it using the map editor and the map editor threw out BAD ID and I had to mash buttons to proceed.
This is because of GRP files having too many elements for the map editor to handle for the map draw routine?
Replying to:
With LOAD FAILED, it's not necessarily because the file doesn't exist. Most times I've gotten it are because I told it not to load when the dialog came up, asking if I was sure I wanted to overwrite unsaved data.
Oh also, with CONT, there are other instances when it can't be used, like if you use a command like CLEAR or edit the program you are trying to resume before using CONT, and after using STOP.
These are known errors in Japanese wiki.
Error 2 Illegal instruction
When PRG:TEST isn't empty,
in slot 0:
USE 1 GOSUB "1:@1"in slot 1:
@1 EXEC "PRG0:TEST" RETURN 'to slot 0Error 4 Illegal function call
LOAD "NUL"It also happens with "AUX", "CON", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3" and "COM4". Error 12 Out of code memory (Bug)
DEF TEST OUT ENDIt should be Syntax error. Error 15 Undefined variable Tried to use unused variable with VAR.
?VAR("TEST")Error 35 Illegal file format
EXEC "DAT:TEST"when DAT:TEST isn't a 2 dimensions array,
LOAD "GRP0:TEST"Error 45 Can't use in tool program Tried to use a feature in a program running from Smile Button that isn't allowed. Only triggered by COMMON DEF.
Replying to:
These are known errors in Japanese wiki.
Error 2 Illegal instruction
When PRG:TEST isn't empty,
in slot 0:
USE 1 GOSUB "1:@1"in slot 1:
@1 EXEC "PRG0:TEST" RETURN 'to slot 0Error 4 Illegal function call
LOAD "NUL"It also happens with "AUX", "CON", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3" and "COM4". Error 12 Out of code memory (Bug)
DEF TEST OUT ENDIt should be Syntax error. Error 15 Undefined variable Tried to use unused variable with VAR.
?VAR("TEST")Error 35 Illegal file format
EXEC "DAT:TEST"when DAT:TEST isn't a 2 dimensions array,
LOAD "GRP0:TEST"Error 45 Can't use in tool program Tried to use a feature in a program running from Smile Button that isn't allowed. Only triggered by COMMON DEF.
He added the errors that are stated as "Unknown" so itยดs not a dumb post.