Limits in SmileBasic
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If you are found a limit in SmileBasic, you can post it here.
For starting:
You may know the differnt Variable Types:
String ( $ )
Integer ( % )
Real ( # )
Here are some Limits (please reading without the point):
VAR S$Up to 4.157.644 letters ! Important Note: Be careful and don't try to typing it or printing it, because it will be slow down your Hardware until it seems like to freeze it !
VAR I%From −2.147.483.648 up to +2.147.483.647
Wut the heck
Pretty strange :/
The followed limits are a little bit strange.
STR$ should generate a string from a numerical value.
In most cases it worked fine, but with large Numbers you will run into problems.
String$ = STR$(Limit%)String$ is correct inside the Integer-limit. Outside the limit it will showed as academically. (for example: Limit%+1 = 2.14748e+09)
String$ = STR$(Real#)String$ and using Real# is more tricky. It will only reads 6 digit. The position of the decimal separator is showed up to 99999.9. So you can get Numbers like 1.23456 or 12345.6 . A number like 12345.6789 will create this string: 123456.7 Using calculation with decimal number will be automaticly rounded too but only up to 999999. Calculation like 999999+0.6 will generate a academically String like 1e+06.