Just me doin stuff.
ok so my idea THIS time is called Adventure 2600 and it takes a lot of inspiration from Adventure for the Atari 2600 hence the name. im thinking something along the lines of zelda and maybe possibly having a turn based battle system but that might be dreaming just a bit. i have a bit more of a solid idea for how this one's gonna go like. it starts with a remake/reimagining of level 1 from the original 2600 game to get the player used to the controls and world and of course maybe not EXACT, maybe some tweaks to make it a quick and simple part to complete and then after that's finished the story gets set into motion. im really confident with this one so now all i need to do is actually make it. im not very programmingly inclined but im pretty set on this one so ill try my best and ill be asking questions here or maybe ill make a new thread but i wanna wait until i actually have a working thing before i do that so most questions will land here and ill post some development screenshots and maybe at some point ill get SB4 on my switch so i have a more relevant version of the software to release this on. so yeah uh im gonna try and learn some stuff and get back into a groove with this and maybe ill have something to show for it before next year.btw when i say "level 1" i just mean the section where you go to that weird blue area with all the stupid windy hallways that's really confusing and weird, grab the key from there, and go to the yellow castle and then the villain shows and up and does something bad or whatever
i retract my previous statement and return to the darknessi'm gonna go ahead and retract that retraction because a crazy thought just hit me in the back of the head and that thought is: what if it's the wizard of oz but as an rpg with some mechanics like the mario and luigi series? the story's already there and it probably wouldn't be too terribly long of a game. but it's a tale as old as time at this point that i need to learn basic so this could take a while. i think, though, and i've said this a few times, but i think this is a really solid idea of got going. i'm really feeling this one, quite honestly. and i've gotta start somewhere if i wanna make a career out of this. so not to sound annoying or anything but can someone explain at least the bare basics of smilebasic to me like i'm 10 or link me to someone or something that can?
ok so i REALLY want to make a game this time but i can't even program very well in scratch.mit so any tips on learning basic with the knowledge that i can't even use little baby man program language?Start here: https://old.smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=402 Taking a coding class might be a good idea. I’ve never been to any except one taught by my brother when I was like 11, so I might not be the best source. But generally when you have a person teaching you, you have a better experience. Also, I have a hard time programming with scratch too.
Start here: https://old.smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=402 Taking a coding class might be a good idea. I’ve never been to any except one taught by my brother when I was like 11, so I might not be the best source. But generally when you have a person teaching you, you have a better experience. Also, I have a hard time programming with scratch too.cool, thanks. i'll take a look.
i'm returning ahead of schedule to ask if algebra class will help me with learning this in any way. will it?
and unrelatedly, does anyone know how to replace a 3DS circle pad because i'd like to take the one from a broken 2DS i have and put it in my 3DS before the one on it right now falls off. i haven't used my 3DS for a while because i don't want to break the circle pad off before i have a remedy for it.
also i have absolutely no idea how to make a post on the new site so if anyone's still here, help please.
If you go to the search icon on the top bar, you can click root. Then you can click the gear, which opens a menu with “new page”. You click that then configure your page from there. You can set things like what kind of page it is, where it’s located (programs for programs, other categories for other stuff), and what’s on the page.