Might make SBS readonly: thread

Just me doin stuff.

Root / General / [.]

*SNIP* Flash will be discontinued on chrome :(
* and on literally every browser that's still getting updates including the superior firefox. :(

*SNIP* Flash will be discontinued on chrome :(
* and on literally every browser that's still getting updates including the superior firefox. :(
Laughs and cries on opera

question: how do i copy things to a sprite sheet from a background layer for example question: also what are G0 and G1 in the sprite editor

question: how do i copy things to a sprite sheet from a background layer for example question: also what are G0 and G1 in the sprite editor
1. There's nothing built in to do that, you have to copy it to an array then change the graphics layer you draw to 2. G0 is the graphics layer displayed on the top screen. G1 is the graphics layer displayed on the touch screen.

1. There's nothing built in to do that, you have to copy it to an array then change the graphics layer you draw to 2. G0 is the graphics layer displayed on the top screen. G1 is the graphics layer displayed on the touch screen.
ah ok

question: how do i copy things to a sprite sheet from a background layer for example question: also what are G0 and G1 in the sprite editor
1. There's nothing built in to do that, you have to copy it to an array then change the graphics layer you draw to 2. G0 is the graphics layer displayed on the top screen. G1 is the graphics layer displayed on the touch screen.
Uh actually GCOPY has a GRP source parameter.

question: how do i copy things to a sprite sheet from a background layer for example question: also what are G0 and G1 in the sprite editor
1. There's nothing built in to do that, you have to copy it to an array then change the graphics layer you draw to 2. G0 is the graphics layer displayed on the top screen. G1 is the graphics layer displayed on the touch screen.
Uh actually GCOPY has a GRP source parameter.
Also, G0 and G1 aren't always assigned to the top screen and bottom screen. They're G0 and G1, not GT and GB. G2 and G3 are both used by the SmileTool editor internally (you can still use them in programs though!), so that's why they aren't listed. The GPAGE command lets you configure this. edit: clarification on what the "editor" is

question: how do i copy things to a sprite sheet from a background layer for example question: also what are G0 and G1 in the sprite editor
1. There's nothing built in to do that, you have to copy it to an array then change the graphics layer you draw to 2. G0 is the graphics layer displayed on the top screen. G1 is the graphics layer displayed on the touch screen.
Uh actually GCOPY has a GRP source parameter.
Also, G0 and G1 aren't always assigned to the top screen and bottom screen. They're G0 and G1, not GT and GB. G2 and G3 are both used by the editor internally, so that's why they aren't listed. The GPAGE command lets you configure this.
i will try to remember this information because it may prove useful

i made swear words heh heh

i made swear words heh heh
I can see the joke, but it's not super funny to me.

i made swear words heh heh
I can see the joke, but it's not super funny to me.
that's ok i thought it up in under 30 seconds and put too much effort into the final product of it anyway.

you guys are gonna hate me but i made a more horrifying version of this i'll probably post it if i feel like it ever also speaking of this one i had a sort of nightmare involving it. it was like as i woke up in the middle of the night randomly as i do, just the image of the face but on a long gray worm was just put in my head. freaked me out genuinely.

you guys are gonna hate me but i made a more horrifying version of this i'll probably post it if i feel like it ever also speaking of this one i had a sort of nightmare involving it. it was like as i woke up in the middle of the night randomly as i do, just the image of the face but on a long gray worm was just put in my head. freaked me out genuinely.
Don't you dare give me nightmares about gray worms jk worms are kind of gross tho

Don't you dare give me nightmares about gray worms jk worms are kind of gross tho
yea ill try not to

dang i like doing sprite art it really b looking way cleaner than my other stuff

dang i like doing sprite art it really b looking way cleaner than my other stuff

have i made a good?

have i made a good?
is that link with blue hair and red eyes

have i made a good?
Hey thats pretty good :)

have i made a good?
is that link with blue hair and red eyes
i don't know how to answer that