
Jewel Version

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Jewel Changelog

==Created by AnswerXOX/ANSWERXOR10== >Other contributions are listed below Version 0.2 -Completely rewritten in N# -Apps are extremely easy to build, refer to samples -You can run multiple windows at a time -Spaghetti and granddad will be in encrypted files for fun, the passcode will be "os" -The MATE start menu will return in version 0.2.1, I just have to make a function that calls an app execution -Coming today, tomorrow, or maybe even never (jk, most likely asap) Version -MATE start menu -New update packs -Wallpapers enabled, name wallpaper BG.WP -Only added the necessities ;) -Bug fixes Version 0.1.7 -Can execute programs from file explorer -Added support for DLC users on WAV player -Made WAV player for non-DLC users not a pain anymore ;) -Support for external applications to be built -Passwords [Encrypted well :p] -De/Encryptor supplied by 12Me21 -Scrolling in file explorer(WILL improve) -Double click on files now(REASONS) -Snappier window animations -Easy to use bootloader named "--STARTJEWEL--" -Some organisation -Multiple options for DAT files without extensions -Something from a scrapped project is now hidden inside :P(not really THAT hidden, try BGMPLAY 200) --I used parts of programs from> Stoner Screensaver by ahavasandwich



Well, this IS a WIP

Natedogg: you upload a file (not a project!) that contains the app.

LEGIT customizable start menu coming in from MATE, coming in version 0.1.8 (y)

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LEGIT customizable start menu coming in from MATE, coming in version 0.1.8 (y)

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Jewel API is now a WIP

Very nice design! :0 It's very pleasant for the eyes. Maybe the most visually polished program on this site! That said though, there are improvements to be made. On the file browser, it can crash trying to use locate out of screen bounds when trying to display folder names. Also on the file browser, the scrolling doesn't work when a folder is hover-highlighted. I also think it's a little difficult to be precise with the cursor on the 8px tall dialog options when you click a context menu on the desktop. You might be able to make the touch screen work as a trackpad even with the keyboard by ignoring keyboard input and and moving the cursor when you slide the stylus.

Replying to:chicken
"beta now longer available" ("beta no longer available" should be used instead)
"#ToungeKnowledge:P" ("#TongueKnowledge_:P" should be used instead)

Replying to:Avery
Very nice design! :0 It's very pleasant for the eyes. Maybe the most visually polished program on this site! That said though, there are improvements to be made. On the file browser, it can crash trying to use locate out of screen bounds when trying to display folder names. Also on the file browser, the scrolling doesn't work when a folder is hover-highlighted. I also think it's a little difficult to be precise with the cursor on the 8px tall dialog options when you click a context menu on the desktop. You might be able to make the touch screen work as a trackpad even with the keyboard by ignoring keyboard input and and moving the cursor when you slide the stylus.

btw, Jewel's not dead, just completely rebuilding it to have multiple processes and windows run simultaneously, Jewel will change quite a bit. Stack overflow is frequent for reasons unknown

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btw, Jewel's not dead, just completely rebuilding it to have multiple processes and windows run simultaneously, Jewel will change quite a bit. Stack overflow is frequent for reasons unknown
I can't wait. I'm such a big fan of OSes and this has to be my favorite so far. I just want a port of OTYAX from PetitComputer on SmileBasic. (Can't understand how his code works and most comments are in Japanese)

I love this OS, however I have a bug to report I was in the file explorer and moved the cursor all the way to the left, resulting in "Out of range in 763(LOCATE:1)" Also, it doesn't seem to be able to open programs? It can view them as text, which is cool. Is it supposed to be able to run them?

This is probably the most polished OS I've seen on SB. However, there have been some issues. EDIT: Put bug reports in the right place.

I'm a slut for OSes, and this one is really nice cant wait for future updates and that api ;)

Okay, maybe it's about time to release that version that I put on meme verse, maybe I'll upload it today, or next week, or never

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Okay, maybe it's about time to release that version that I put on meme verse, maybe I'll upload it today, or next week, or never
So much hype!

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Okay, maybe it's about time to release that version that I put on meme verse, maybe I'll upload it today, or next week, or never
he uploaded it last night, dude

How exactly does jewel work?

I experienced a lot of bugs, crashes, I know it is still a work in progress, I'm just saying. It is a really nice looking OS. I recommend lowering the speed the pointer moves, fixing the errors, giving a short tutorial on how to use the terminal, and adding in a desktop, which will be the majority of this OS. This has a huge amount of potential, I am really hoping this gets worked on a lot more in the future

Beta version for Jewel 0.2: REVE23AJ Use "_" to import programs, and add the spaghetti files for PLAYER. to work :) A preview: http://tinyurl.com/mypostkek

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Beta version for Jewel 0.2: REVE23AJ Use "_" to import programs, and add the spaghetti files for PLAYER. to work :) A preview: http://tinyurl.com/mypostkek

the image viewer doesn't work