DEF IBLUR R SPPAGE 0 FOR X=-R TO R FOR Y=-R TO R I=SPSET(0,0,400,240,1) SPOFS I,X,Y SPCOLOR I,RGB(256/(ABS(X)+ABS(Y)+1),255,255,255) NEXT NEXT ENDSyntax: IBLUR radius Caution: using a high radius can cause extreme lag/low FPS You can use SPCLIP to control the blur area (I might add a better way to do that later)
IBLUR (Instant Blur!)
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First there was GBLUR (very slow)
Then QBLUR (faster, but still slow)
Now I have created IBLUR!
Just run this function once to instantly blur everything on screen. It uses transparent sprites, so you only need to run it once and it will update automatically!
Well the command runs almost instantly
but it creates a lot of sprites, causing SB to run slowly afterwards (if the radius is big)
Replying to:
I like this! The blur isn't as good as QBLUR, but it's really nice having a blur that works in real-time!
I think I'll work on an updated version that looks a little better (still not as good as G/QBLUR, of course) and maybe a little less laggy