Might make SBS readonly: thread

Hold The A Button?

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:v1.1Size:~4 KB
Welp. It's no longer April Fools, and this program was terrible, so now it's dead. It was bad while it lasted.



Replying to:SwanBot
*all data has been deleted* *sd card not found* *lol you just got BEANED!!!*
I have the best idea ever... MEMZ, but for SmileBASIC! *crowd oohs and ahhs in awe*

lol im using my computer now *critical error, sb not found* *computer hard drive lights up on fire*


By- *computer explodes*

I beat it with 0.5 A presses.

Replying to:12Me21
I beat it with 0.5 A presses.
I beat it with none.

I'll reupload this once it's worthy of being reuploaded. For now, it's dead. I uploaded this as an April Fools Joke, but it shouldn't stay up after April Fools. Someone might've downloaded this game later on just to be horrified of what happens when you lose *spoilers!*. It's not April Fools anymore, so April Fools jokes shouldn't be played after then. Hopefully I'll be able to reupload this as a real game one day, so don't lose hope button holders! Also I don't know what I'm doing up at 1 AM writing weird stuff lol

Replying to:HTV04
I'll reupload this once it's worthy of being reuploaded. For now, it's dead. I uploaded this as an April Fools Joke, but it shouldn't stay up after April Fools. Someone might've downloaded this game later on just to be horrified of what happens when you lose *spoilers!*. It's not April Fools anymore, so April Fools jokes shouldn't be played after then. Hopefully I'll be able to reupload this as a real game one day, so don't lose hope button holders! Also I don't know what I'm doing up at 1 AM writing weird stuff lol
Oh yeah, another reason I removed it was to make space for other programs I might create. If I left this program, that would be one less space I'd have for uploading content!