I am going to work on getting the screen shots up shortly. I have to review the method on how this works post miiverse. EDIT: My I had forgotten how much a pain it was to extract the microSD card from the New 3DS XL!
Hexadecimal Clock 4.1 (semi interactive screen saver)
Root / Submissions / [.]
HexClock was originally conceptualized all the way back in 2015 for the "Color" Forum Competition. However due to my beginner limitations, this could not happen then. After the competition I threw the base HexClock components together originally as a programing exercise to recreate a digital clock display in Smile Basic. I decided to use hexadecimal partly as a short cut, since the hour digit in a 12 hour clock would only need a single digit, and I thought it might be cool to see what a hexadecimal clock would look like, since creating the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F were easy to add to the digital clock interface by adding 6 additional points to each digit on the clock. (I am seriously wondering why geeky irl binary clocks are a thing for sale, but not Hexadecimal display clocks??)
More recently I wanted to get back into Smile BASIC, since my life allows me the free time to dabble in programing again, So I upgraded, improved and added to my old HEXCLOCK program all of the features I kind of wanted at the start, back in 2016.
NOTE: This folder contains almost every stable version of HEXCLOCK over the past 4 years. Certain versions are not very feature full, and were added for educational if anyone wishes to read the source code and look how the program has evolved over time. I have also Added notation, and try to explain the majority of the code used.
"HEXCLOCKSS" is a single screen version of Hexclock, and is what inspired me to add a second main display option to the main HEXCLOCK programs.
"HEXCLOCK4_S" is a special version of HEXCLOCK 4.1 where I FONTDEF'ed a bunch of alien lettering and numbers for fun.
Special thanks to those few who helped me here on this forum for answering questions, and giving feedback.
Thanks. if it wasn't for various email issues and lazyness on my part, I would have been more active over the last 2 years. But I have some sprite creative experience under my belt, and hope to getting around to learning to make a sprite based game/app next, while I wait for SB4 English.