Hexadecimal Clock 4.1 (semi interactive screen saver)
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HexClock was originally conceptualized all the way back in 2015 for the "Color" Forum Competition. However due to my beginner limitations, this could not happen then. After the competition I threw the base HexClock components together originally as a programing exercise to recreate a digital clock display in Smile Basic. I decided to use hexadecimal partly as a short cut, since the hour digit in a 12 hour clock would only need a single digit, and I thought it might be cool to see what a hexadecimal clock would look like, since creating the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F were easy to add to the digital clock interface by adding 6 additional points to each digit on the clock. (I am seriously wondering why geeky irl binary clocks are a thing for sale, but not Hexadecimal display clocks??)
More recently I wanted to get back into Smile BASIC, since my life allows me the free time to dabble in programing again, So I upgraded, improved and added to my old HEXCLOCK program all of the features I kind of wanted at the start, back in 2016.
NOTE: This folder contains almost every stable version of HEXCLOCK over the past 4 years. Certain versions are not very feature full, and were added for educational if anyone wishes to read the source code and look how the program has evolved over time. I have also Added notation, and try to explain the majority of the code used.
"HEXCLOCKSS" is a single screen version of Hexclock, and is what inspired me to add a second main display option to the main HEXCLOCK programs.
"HEXCLOCK4_S" is a special version of HEXCLOCK 4.1 where I FONTDEF'ed a bunch of alien lettering and numbers for fun.
Special thanks to those few who helped me here on this forum for answering questions, and giving feedback.
I am going to work on getting the screen shots up shortly. I have to review the method on how this works post miiverse. EDIT: My I had forgotten how much a pain it was to extract the microSD card from the New 3DS XL!
Thanks. if it wasn't for various email issues and lazyness on my part, I would have been more active over the last 2 years. But I have some sprite creative experience under my belt, and hope to getting around to learning to make a sprite based game/app next, while I wait for SB4 English.