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Food Splatterhouse [BIG] official thread

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

The BETA is open! Check it out! This is the official thread of Food Splatterhouse [BIG]. Since i'm developing the game on a daily basis (at least at the time i writte this), i'm going to post the development process, including problems and what i have so far. Also, you can help by suggesting features or code algoritms that can simplify the process. But what is Food Splatterhouse [BIG]? Is a remake of my previous game of the same name. It features the same gameplay style, but in a more clean/polished way, including some changes and additions to it. Is exclusive for 3DS and is not being developed on a WiiU or something. Food Splatterhouse is an arcade top-down arena shooter and, as the name suggest, you fight against hordes of mercyless food that wants to kill you spraying blood all over the screen. And well, that's pretty much all. Why did you create it? When i was joking around with Trigonometry and other stuff, i had the idea of making a violent top-down shooter with all that, so i made a quick demo where you shooted a Strawberry that chased you and spawn blood when you shoot it. The main idea was to make a "gore" shooter where the screen is filled with blood, but then i thinked that that was exaggerated on a Ninty console, so i taked a more "friendly" approach without trashing the concept: Replace blood with "food juice". And voilรก: Food Splatterhouse. Improvements over the original: - Improved gameplay overall sequence - Improved visual FX (special thanks to realTiP and 12Me21) - Increased population of enemies (100 on [BIG] vs 50 of the original game) - Day/Night variation - Dynamic shadows - Combos - Powerups - Improved boss battles (with ACTUAL bosses) - Score and Money system - Shop containing Skins for enemies and player, maps and more. - Custom control scheme. - Party Mode (replaces blood with confetti and comedic sounds) - 4 game modes: -Arcade: Default game mode where you earn money by shooting enemies. -Free Play: Play with your own settings. You can modify enemy damage, global speed, and more! -Suicide: Same as Arcade, but more difficult and insane -Boss Rush: Play against all the bosses of the game! - Dynamic maps (maps with actual animation/detail). - Vault that contains some extras like the original Food Splatterhouse. - A "nice" menu that i'm afraid to edit Screenshots: Development progress: - Gameplay (100%) - Main Menu (100%) - Shop (50%) - Game Modes (100%) - BGM (100%) - Sprites (98%) - Extras (70%)

At the time i writte this: - Pause menu is now a thing! It has the basic functions: Continue with the game, or quit it. - Now all the program is closed on a super-loop, mainly to avoid "good-practice" breaking solutions like using GOTO. - Potions now appear on the map. They fall down on a thunder and spawns smoke when they touch the floor. They have a glowing light attached to it so you can easily see it. - Fixed an odd glitch with the Yellow Powerup that caused flickering. - Added more sprites to GRP4, for future usage. Also, there's an obvius abuse of powerups here, since you can use the Yellow powerup in conjunction with the Red Potion (health) to the point you are literally invencible. I'm thinking to wipe out the automatic usage of the red potion, but i'm going to leave it as it is right now for the moment.

Oh my gosh That menu is amazing looking!

This game looks very promising so far, so i can safely say that I'm now hyped for it! Also i highly agree with miwa, the main menu looks awesome!

Oh my gosh That menu is amazing looking!
This game looks very promising so far, so i can safely say that I'm now hyped for it! Also i highly agree with miwa, the main menu looks awesome!
Really appreciate guys! Although today (26/08/2017) is weekend, i didn't touched the game unlike previous days, but i i did some changes to it: - Added a global BETA clock. Now the overall duration of everything is counted on seconds instead of frames. I made it on a poor way so i can erase it at any time without compromising overall integrity of the program, until i come up with a decent algoritm for it (using vars as flags is not a good thing; help with this pls). - Minor tweaks to the Pause Menu. Now animations will also be stopped when paused. - Added a minor preparation for [SUICIDE MODE]: Now enemies will shoot you back. Enemy projectiles are more slow than yours, so you can avoid it without being unfairly hard.

This game looks absolutely stunning! I cannot wait for its release.

Same day as yesterday (Saturday), but i made tiny changes to it: - Updated the clock. Now is more efficient and now all the durations will be measured in seconds from now on. - Fixed a glitch with the pause menu that desyncronized the clocks. Also i modified the offset so jewels won't appear above the pause menu. - Tweaked the animations of the Item and Combo bars to be as accurate as possible. - Optimized the loop for bullet checks. Now it won't do iterations when there are no enemy bullets/ suicide mode is inactive. - Now enemy bullets will harm you and dissappear when they hit you. Also, they won't harm you when you use the Invincible Powerup.

A+ game devolpment!

This game looks absolutely stunning! I cannot wait for its release.
A+ game devolpment!

As for today (28/08/2017), i haven't made changes to the core game, but i made something better: - Most of the menu is now finished, it still need some polishment and sprites obviously, but the functionality is complete! - Fixed some issues when the game restarted itself (when you die and return to the title screen). - Added a BETA intro when the assault is going to begin.

I'm pretty hyped! The OG Food Splatter house was pretty fun!

As for today (29/08/2017): - Updated the setup menu. Now it will appear a preview at the right side of the screen ressembling your setup. Also, added more sprites for the menu in general: - Fixed another issues with the in-game reset. I hope is the last. - Bosses! As the original game, bosses will appear when you reach a specific number of kills, and you will fight up to 3 bosses at the same time. But now the boss fights will be different because A) Enemies will stop coming when you're fighting bosses because read (B), so it won't be complicated B) Bosses will have 4 patterns: 1.- Stomper: Will jump to the clouds and will try to stomp you 2.- Gunner: Will fire you bombs at high speed (sorta) 3.- Protecter: Will have a ring of projectiles that will serve him as protection. Also, he can fire them. 4.- Bullet Hell: Will fire bunch of bullets on a similar way as Danmaku games. (Only if using a certain enemy skin) C) Bosses will have a light attached to it to ressemble that they are evil! The pattern is still WIP, but i manage to code most of Stomper

*excited screeching*

*excited screeching*
At the time i writte this, i finished the Stomper boss. It will jump and, in a variable time, his shadow will follow you and then BAM! it will crush you if you're not fast enough, spawning smoke when he touch the floor. I had to reduce his health because it was too much of a meat bag (and imagine fighting 3 of them at the same time). Also, it made me realize that i can use particles for other special effects aside from smoke, this will come handy for other problems i had, but today (30/08/2017) i'm going to be very busy outside SB.

Well, yesterday (30/08/2017) i had other things to do aside from SB, so i didn't really touched the game at all. But today (31/08/2017) i modified the game, and well, i did a lot so i don't know where to start, but let's see: - Now smoke particles have been replaced with the SmileBASIC's smoke sprite. Now looks "correct". - Fixed particle animation. Now it won't decolor when is fading away. - Fixed some anomalies with population counter and in-game reset. Now it won't count more enemies that don't exist. (I don't know how that happend) - Updated the ID table: Now the jewels have been reduced from 100 to 70 and particles have increased to 30, for a total of 70 particles. Because having an order is important on projects like these: - New effect: Puffs! When you shoot enemies, they will spawn puffs representing either blood or confetti. The confetti puffs will "spin" (change size on the Y axis so it can looks like is spinning) in a same fashion as real confetti! - Added a new skin for the enemies. - Improved the Stomper Boss. Now is compatible with most skins (3 out of 5) and fixed some anomalies with the shadow animation. Also, the smoke spawning is improved so it can look consistent, and the spawning code is improved: And well, that's all for today. the next days i'm going to be as busy as yesterday, so don't expect updates on those days.

are the particles just randomized filled circles or are they something else..?

are the particles just randomized filled circles or are they something else..?
Sprites that goes on random directions and has animations. That's how i archieve spinning confetti and more stuff.

are the particles just randomized filled circles or are they something else..?
Sprites that goes on random directions and has animations. That's how i archieve spinning confetti and more stuff.
Seems inefficient? I mean using sprites for effects isn't the optimal idea , try something that uses GCIRCLE with varying radi within an area. Edit: unless they disappear then it's fine.

are the particles just randomized filled circles or are they something else..?
Sprites that goes on random directions and has animations. That's how i archieve spinning confetti and more stuff.
Seems inefficient? I mean using sprites for effects isn't the optimal idea , try something that uses GCIRCLE with varying radi within an area. Edit: unless they disappear then it's fine.
he would need a gcls to remove them

are the particles just randomized filled circles or are they something else..?
Sprites that goes on random directions and has animations. That's how i archieve spinning confetti and more stuff.
Seems inefficient? I mean using sprites for effects isn't the optimal idea , try something that uses GCIRCLE with varying radi within an area. Edit: unless they disappear then it's fine.
he would need a gcls to remove them
Pretty sure you can skip certain aspects when using ACLS, like only clear graphics, not sprites or BGSprites.