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Food Splatterhouse [BIG] (BETA)

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:1.0 (BETA)Size:4mb

The remake of the most insane shooter have come to SmileBASIC!

Food Splatterhouse [BIG] is a remake of the previous game of the same name. It features the same gameplay style, but in a more clean/polished way, including some changes and additions to it. As the original game, you fight against hordes of food that wants to kill you! But this time they are more angry than before, can you match the expectations and survive? Unlike the original game, this remake contains a lot of new features to enhance the experience, for example: - Custom control schemes - Day/Night variations - Animated maps - Improved visuals And more! There's a lot here, so keep an eye for ay detail! Keep in mind this: This is BETA quality software. Expect some glitches when playing (including the extra games) or messing up with the options. You can report them on the comments so i can keep track of what is going on. And last: Don't forget to visit the official thread!


Download and open "FSBIG" file.


Is evil food, but looks more presentable than previous game.

Yay! Finally!

Neat! Though....when will the Maps and Guides sections of the shop become aviable? Also, during my first round I had unlimited potions of every type. Either I just didn't look, or is it supposed to be like that? Anyway, great game. Certainly worth the wait.

Replying to:Weirdo
Neat! Though....when will the Maps and Guides sections of the shop become aviable? Also, during my first round I had unlimited potions of every type. Either I just didn't look, or is it supposed to be like that? Anyway, great game. Certainly worth the wait.
Also, for some reason the stat changes in free mode also affect arcade mode. Don't know why.

Replying to:Weirdo
Neat! Though....when will the Maps and Guides sections of the shop become aviable? Also, during my first round I had unlimited potions of every type. Either I just didn't look, or is it supposed to be like that? Anyway, great game. Certainly worth the wait.
Also, for some reason the stat changes in free mode also affect arcade mode. Don't know why. Fixed, thanks for that. Also, you don't have unlimited potions, you just have too many potions. And last:
Spoilerthe shop will be complete on the next build, which is the "Final" version of the game. See the post description for more details

Save data should really load automatically instead of having to press LOAD every time (keep the load button though, it could help in the event of a weird bug, maybe.) You could use CHKFILE to make sure the data file already exists, but you probably know that.

Replying to:snail_
Save data should really load automatically instead of having to press LOAD every time (keep the load button though, it could help in the event of a weird bug, maybe.) You could use CHKFILE to make sure the data file already exists, but you probably know that.
At first i was thinking about, if the player wants to start a new game from scratch (for whatever reason), he would just need to overwrite the save with the data he currently has, instead of manually going to the DELETE function of SB menu. That's why you always start with nothing. But well, i think is somewhat nonsense, so i ended up adding what you said. Also, keep in mind that high scores from Free Mode won't save, yet.

Replying to:snail_
Save data should really load automatically instead of having to press LOAD every time (keep the load button though, it could help in the event of a weird bug, maybe.) You could use CHKFILE to make sure the data file already exists, but you probably know that.
You could always add a data reset option in the game.

Replying to:snail_
Save data should really load automatically instead of having to press LOAD every time (keep the load button though, it could help in the event of a weird bug, maybe.) You could use CHKFILE to make sure the data file already exists, but you probably know that.
Yeah. That could work. Thanks for the suggestion.

Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
a game inside of a game inside of another game? that's as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
Spoilerinside of another spoiler
...so crazy, it might
KILL you clicked it
Button i'm dying... here's a choice
Deadly button *dies*
Non-deadly buttoni'm okay. i'm alive. you can now press this button.
Rewardyou clicked it...
yeah where's my reward???DaSonicMario couldn't find one.
*kills them*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *dies*

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
I clicked all the buttons

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
why did you kill DaTailsLuigi twice?

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
Spoilerbuttons...And I did it
SpoilerHow do give spoilers names

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
here's how to give spoilers names: first we only need the first half so GET THAT SECOND HALF OUTTA HERE! (and add a space right before the right bracket so it doesn't count [spoiler ] ah yes thank you add an equals after the spoiler (now a space will be AFTER THE LEFT BRACKET so it doesn't count with the equals) [ spoiler=] then after add the name of the spoiler [ spoiler=Cat] also DO NOT CHANGE THE SECOND HALF! THE SECOND HALF SHOULD ALWAYS BE [ /spoiler] so if you do it as directed you'd get [ spoiler=Cat][ /spoiler]. to fix this, remove the spaces (the equals does support spaces btw) now we have our completed named spoiler
Catwhy did you click this?

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
SpoilerYou can't get out from Hack.Basic yet. And
SpoilerA Normal Day needs you to reach at the very end

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
Somethingwhat does it eve MEAN THO

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
SpoilerMeans that the only means to escape from those games quickly is pressing START
Spoiler, which is like pressing the power button of a computer.

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
help methe games in games made my phone explode

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
important messageyou wasted your time

Replying to:Imasheep
Games inside games? Thats as crazy as
Spoilera spoiler
Spoilerin a spoiler
... So crazy,It might work! And i does!
even more important message