And then there was a time I thought I was so cool in my Advanced Topics class in HS, yet, here I am, struggling to find a simple angle. I thought it was simple, and I have a version of it that seems to work most of the time, but I suspect I'm missing one crucial component.
So basically, I'm trying to determine the angle of reflection of a traveling point contacting a circle, or really, a point ricochetting off a sloped tangential line to the circle.
Consider A# to be the angle of the point to (0,0), measured positionally, so that A# = ATAN(Position_y#,Position_x#), and A0# to be the angle of the attack velocity, so that A0# = ATAN(Velocity_y#,Velocity_x#). From the plethora of diagrams I've sketched out, I had somehow figured that the angle of reflection should be A0# - A#, and after implementing this into the physics engine, this appears to work like half the time. The other half, the object follows a wrong trajectory, probably opposite the vector it is supposed to fall on. It seems to be dependent on the quadrant as well, but I'm having a hard time confirming that mere suspicion. I've searched so many Stack Exchange posts, all of which say pretty much the same thing, yet I must be missing something. As far as I can tell, I'm not using any special coordinate system, just the bare naked one underlying the trigonometric functions of SB.
So, is there something painfully obvious and wrong with my implementation? Did two years really shave away all my mathematical knowledge from HS? How would you go about this, anyway?