
Epid Official Thread

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Epid is a tank game where you fight tanks and gain XP to be the best and upgrade your very own tank. *Even though I have released 3 versions, this is still in its alpha. >Pre-alpha released, no key. (I will have a version history folder ready after the release, and this will be included. But be warned, it isn't much compared to Alpha and other future versions yet to come!) >Alpha released, key: 2R7Q33GJ >Beta—Coming real soon >Release candidate—eventually >Official release—will come after dev >Updates will come as we find bugs and add new stuff

Is this a 2D game or a 3D game? What perspective (top-down, isometric, etc)? By "point the cannon", do you mean you just want to rotate a sprite, or you want to control where the projectile is fired, or something else?

Is this a 2D game or a 3D game? What perspective (top-down, isometric, etc)? By "point the cannon", do you mean you just want to rotate a sprite, or you want to control where the projectile is fired, or something else?
You are looking at the top of the tank. It is a 2D game. And I want to rotate the sprite so that is points to the cursor. I already have it so that it shoots where it's aimed, but I want to be able to aim it to allow for more tank types. Screenshot: The gray circle with spikes and stuff in the middle is a ram tank. The shapes around it are things you can shoot and ram, but if you ram them you take damage.

What I believe you want is the ATAN value of your cursor's x-y coordinates. Take this code as an example:
SPOFS 0, 160,120
  A# = ATAN(TY%-120, TX%-160)
  SPROT 0, DEG(A#)
ATAN receives two x-y coordinates and returns their angle relative to the origin, (0,0). In this case, if you want the origin to be the center of the screen, then you need to subtract half the screen width and height from x and y respectively. Also, remember that ATAN returns the angle in radians, not degrees. Sprite functions seem to use degrees.

What I believe you want is the ATAN value of your cursor's x-y coordinates. Take this code as an example:
SPOFS 0, 160,120
  A# = ATAN(TY%-120, TX%-160)
  SPROT 0, DEG(A#)
ATAN receives two x-y coordinates and returns their angle relative to the origin, (0,0). In this case, if you want the origin to be the center of the screen, then you need to subtract half the screen width and height from x and y respectively. Also, remember that ATAN returns the angle in radians, not degrees. Sprite functions seem to use degrees.
It works perfectly now! Look: Thx!!!

Are you making a diep.io port?

Are you making a diep.io port?
No... more like an SB remake, but I am not affiliated with diep.ios creators, so I gotta make it different and also not call it diep.io. But it will be very similar.

New demo out! Key: 4KK8458P N3DS exclusive because of controls :( Controls: Circle pad: move C-stick: aim L button: fire A button: Enable/disable autofire ZL/ZR buttons: Cycle through the tanks (demo exclusive) You can shoot things to get xp slow, or you can ram them to get the xp all at once, but you will take damage. (Big pentagons will kill you immediately unless you shoot it for a bit or if you are a ram tank you will probably survive. Ram tanks are the ones without cannons, which have borders around the tank. Sorry for all the edits! I forgot I removed autospin!)

N3DS exclusive because of controls :(
You can implement touch support as a way to aim.

N3DS exclusive because of controls :(
You can implement touch support as a way to aim.
Idk... Those controls would be pretty hard both to figure out and probably to add... but I might do it. But for now this is what we have. Sorry :( Also, I've been thinking and have decided this will be the new dev thread for this. This has been a side project for too long, so now I'll make it public and allow others to help.

Also, I've been thinking and have decided this will be the new dev thread for this. This has been a side project for too long, so now I'll make it public and allow others to help.
You may want to request a name change for this thread then.

Also, I've been thinking and have decided this will be the new dev thread for this. This has been a side project for too long, so now I'll make it public and allow others to help.
You may want to request a name change for this thread then.
Ok. Yay! Thx, 12me!

This is epid?

This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.

This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.
Yes it is. Epid is actually an anagram of diep, as in diep.io. Also, I'll let you two join development, and I'll also add o3ds support.

This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.
Yes it is. Epid is actually an anagram of diep, as in diep.io. Also, I'll let you two join development, and I'll also add o3ds support.
Thank you, Random
This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.
I already knew random was working on a game called epid, he announced it a while ago

This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.
Yes it is. Epid is actually an anagram of diep, as in diep.io. Also, I'll let you two join development, and I'll also add o3ds support.
Thank you, Random
This is epid?
Yes, that’s its offical name.
I already knew random was working on a game called epid, he announced it a while ago
Not that obviously, I just acknowledged it existed when I worked out getting the bullets direction. Anyway, I just added o3DS support and a devmode to test tanks. [it's basically what I've already released, but you have to do a button pattern to get to it. Otherwise you have to play the game normally.]

by very similar you mean practically identical..? but i guess it looks pretty cool on the outside rn. -as a big fan of diep I dont see too insanely much you can do to make it fun/challenging to play though.

by very similar you mean practically identical..? but i guess it looks pretty cool on the outside rn. -as a big fan of diep I dont see too insanely much you can do to make it fun/challenging to play though.
Sorry if it's too much like diep. I am trying to add a ton of stuff to make it different, like more levels and upgrades. Yes, I am having most of dieps tanks in this, and some of arras's tanks too, like the machine gunner, but yeah. Would you like to join development? I am going to release a version with full support and extra stuff soon. Also, has anyone found the deathray yet?

I don't want to commit to anything right now since I have a lot going on anyways, but thanks for the offer. I'm staff on some events and have lots of planning to to and have just too much schoolwork to comprehend. Best of luck though, I might stop in if you need some help I guess. Maybe I could just be for if you're having programming problems to help figure it out maybe. Nonetheless just ask if you do need help with some specific stuff.