You have thoughtful ways of programming, can I say, I have tried to this doing one COS(ATAN( )) function. and it worked well. Do you know if there are commons or differences that can be achieved through successfully implimenting a round versus a fraction versus a decimal sum? I.E how fast will the enemy process its current momevent equations? Because I get this fr and feel stuck.
EX=EX+(EX-PX)/SQR(POW(EX-PX,2)+POW(EY-PY,2)) EY=EY+(EY-PY)/SQR(POW(EX-PX,2)+POW(EY-PY,2))This is written in SmileBASIC code just to be clear. So since Leg12+Leg22=Hypotenuse2, we found Hypotenuse2, then found the square root of it to find the length of the hypotenuse. That's pretty much it. I hope this wasn't too complex. If you have any questions tell me in the comments.