Might make SBS readonly: thread

Dev/Bugreports for SKKBAUI

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I might gonna add some more games and scrap other.
Well, I released it but as it states, it needs a lot of stuff to finish it off.

RGamesOfficial, you removed the language select but not the German language in the STRING$() DEF. lol

Why was the version 0.3.2 never released?
At one point I had no working tablet and so I asked the admins to update the key but I did a mistake: I used another copy of 0.3.1 instead of the missing 0.3.2. Well to save space for the version 0.3.3, I deleted it. Maybe HTV09 has a copy of it and if he has then I will correct the update with the missing Ver. 0.3.2 until the actual version 0.3.3 is fully finished. Well, if he deleted it too like me then Ver. 0.3.2 is probably never seen by anyone except us. EDIT: For some reason, HTV09 has some screenshots for that missing version but I forgot to look at them. I'll try to upload them for you guys to see the unreleased version though nothing special has changed. Just with a few more settings.
Well, sorry guys. HTV09 deleted it too but as I said, he has some screenshots from it. I'll post them now. EDIT: Here they
are The boot screen very similar but here I got the gradient that is there on today's logo. This version ditched the BGM track load during bootup, making it faster. The desktop. The old days... The contact screen. A lot different than now. But it looks somewhat cool. The first 30 lines in .WINDOWS3DS The changelog back then.
The today's explorer was in that version too but he hasn't got a screenshot of it.

Imagine if someone used these screenshots to make 0.3.2...

Imagine if someone used these screenshots to make 0.3.2...

Imagine if someone used these screenshots to make 0.3.2...
Do you mind!

Imagine if someone used these screenshots to make 0.3.2...
Do you mind!

Imagine if someone used these screenshots to make 0.3.2...
Do you mind!
I guess that's what happens if you take things too seriously

The configurations menu is nearly going to finish. Now the background and theme color are customizable. This is my example NOTE: The target command is still uncustomizable. The BG was made with (modified) Doodle/Draw. Great looking right? This is how the new theme settings look like. NOTE: The "window glass" and flat color behind the settings change their color to match your settings. The highest value for either of the RGB components is 192. (Maximum: &HC0C0C0)

Can I have the new key?

Can I have the new key?
Can I?

To random_god May you stop before May comes in 2019.

Can I have the new key?
Can I?
Key is generating...
This may take a bitEDIT: The key may be uploaded at 19:30 (CET).

To random_god May you stop before May comes in 2019.
What do you mean?

Stop saying a part of my Posts with a ? after it

Sorry I needed a lot of time to finish things for now. EDIT: I messed up. Use WIN3DS_NON.PKD instead. WIN3DS.PKD was the previous version. I am gonna fix it soon.

Sorry I needed a lot of time to finish things for now.


Ahem... Hey, you. Didn't you forget somethin'?!

Ahem... Hey, you. Didn't you forget somethin'?!
Oh hey... You... You say what? Think again! Don't comment!!1
I did something...• The browser has been fully renewed and it's a bit better than its original. • The missing languages which we sorted in the code are now in the settings¹ but unchoosable. (Someone translate if they'd like.) • The library has for now more unnecessary stuff.² • The main font has been improved slightly. • The bug that was in the Private beta 14³ has been fixed. You screwed with the o3DS's timing. It isn't that fast than y'think! ¹ Configurations ⇒ Region & Language settings ⇒ Language ² These unnecessaries include DEFs for button graphics and variable stuff. ³ Yes, folks. As stated in the CHANGELOG's FAQ section, we also release betas privately. It turns out it's the 14th there but the 6th as the Public beta. We release like 4-5 private betas until we release public ones.
...It's your 1st post here and the 100th in this thread. lol And I'll upload the 6th public beta soon. EDIT: Illegal Instruction in $F2DEAD5B