Okay, okay. Back to Windows 3DS and put all your forks down.
1. I created a button/stick test in the configurations menu.
NOTE: The Circle Pad Pro is grayed out because I don't have one.
I made a desktop icon algorithm that draws icons with a text and when clicked on it the given label string will be used to jump to the program but you can only have 16 icons shown at once because I use hexadecimal numbers to assign a tile as an icon, another one for the string (untranslatable) and another one for the jump target.

Dev/Bugreports for SKKBAUI
GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
Edit: I would like the latest beta...
Cool! Edit: I would like the latest beta...1. THX 2. The packing process is already working on it! The beta key will be updated on August 24th, at 18:40 (CET). EDIT: Done, go back to the first post to get the key.
Oh, and
1. I am not credited for RCode (See the R)
2. I cant make any icons
3. The background in the screenshots is not available
4. I cant open RCode (Just type edit in CMD) or Draw/Doodle from CMD
5. I would like to see a Music Creation app and a Text Editor
6. I cant access the Circle Pad Test from Configurations
7. I would like to see the theme changed to 9x style
and 8. I would like the logo changed to XP style.
1. I am not credited for RCode (See the R) 2. I cant make any icons 3. The background in the screenshots is not available 4. I cant open1. I credited your OS as a program source under "Resources from other OS's". The original owner was credited under the RCode point. 2. It just generates the desktop. There's no way to customize it now, although in the code it may look like it can. 3. When you start Windows 3DS fresh out of the package, the background isn't set up. The settings I had were unchanged from V0.3 and upwards. The options for it don't exist now to set it up. 4. EDIT is the command to open RCode. Draw/Doodle hasn't it's own command which is correct. The start menu will fix the program soon. 5. huh... I couldn't find them at the time I released this beta build. I am searching... 6. I made it a secret. Press L+Up together to trigger it. But I will put that somewhere else. 7. I think changing the main style back to Win9x would make a competition between Win3DS, OTYA Window System, the ミドリ OS and maybe others too. 8. I am gonna think about this. Less colors to work with than Windows 2000 or Millennium Edition. Seriously I may do this but the chance is 50%.RCode(Just type edit in CMD) or Draw/Doodle from CMD 5. I would like to see a Music Creation app and a Text Editor 6. I cant access the Circle Pad Test from Configurations 7. I would like to see the theme changed to 9x style 8. I would like the logo changed to XP style.
It says so ein mist, which translates to That Bites, Darn it, What a bummer and what a b[CENSORED] in German.GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
It says so einmist, which translates to a few things in German, mostly insults.Some japanese Wario from MK64 does... You... Don't you realize that I am a german person? The phrase "so einmist" like this doesn't exist in German. "So ein Mist" is the correct pronunciation. And sure, it is translatable into different things. Do not comment this. It should go back to the actual topic!
I changed my post so it has a space and lists translations lol Also, YES I KNOW YOU’RE GERMAN!!!It says so einmist, which translates to a few things in German, mostly insults.Some japanese Wario from MK64 does... You... Don't you realize that I am a german person? The phrase "so einmist" like this doesn't exist in German. "So ein Mist" is the correct pronunciation. And sure, it is translatable into different things. Do not comment this. It should go back to the actual topic!
私は死ぬ日を楽しみにしています。Sure you do.
Me talking about looking forward to the day i die has nothing to do with me knowing you are german.私は死ぬ日を楽しみにしています。Sure you do.
Actally, google translate says 'a crap'.It says so ein mist, which translates to That Bites, Darn it, What a bummer and what a b[CENSORED] in German.GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
1. He wrote it on his description. 2. Hmm... I already work on 3 (1 by others) projects at once. But this is a new level for me so yeah, I do but as stated on the 1st post, my performance is a lot slower. EDIT: My project mate, HTV09 joins too.Me talking about looking forward to the day i die has nothing to do with me knowing you are german.私は死ぬ日を楽しみにしています。Sure you do.You just dug up his secrets so now you must pay the price resulting in you looking forward to that dayBtw CY64 would you mind helping to create an os for my emulator after I've finished it? You'd need at least a basic understand of asm, registers, etc. to be able to do so but I'll try to make it as easy as I can by adding a higher level layer to the asm privided by the emulator to the external compiler and by making the documentation as clear as possible. I'll also try to send you a temporary key for that dos prompt thingy once I'm done with it and when I post the emulator. I'd make the os myself but that'd be boring
Oh and BTW, why was 0.3.2 never released?
Google translate is inaccurate unless a check mark in a shield is next to the translation.Actally, google translate says 'a crap'.It says so ein mist, which translates to That Bites, Darn it, What a bummer and what a b[CENSORED] in German.GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
That was there.Google translate is inaccurate unless a check mark in a shield is next to the translation.Actally, google translate says 'a crap'.It says so ein mist, which translates to That Bites, Darn it, What a bummer and what a b[CENSORED] in German.GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
Alright. I just got those translations from a random website that appeared in google search.That was there.Google translate is inaccurate unless a check mark in a shield is next to the translation.Actally, google translate says 'a crap'.It says so ein mist, which translates to That Bites, Darn it, What a bummer and what a b[CENSORED] in German.GET OUTTA HERE! - 3 votes Oh, really? Well, you're wrong, Windows 3DS isn't intended to annoy others and it will keep growing and you can't stop me doing this. S😕o😲 🙁e😞i😖n😢 😦M😧i😨s🤕t🤥!I can't read annoy spam
Heh got my emulator to work now I just need to make a compiler and finish the dos thingy
Why was the version 0.3.2 never released?At one point I had no working tablet and so I asked the admins to update the key but I did a mistake: I used another copy of 0.3.1 instead of the missing 0.3.2. Well to save space for the version 0.3.3, I deleted it. Maybe HTV09 has a copy of it and if he has then I will correct the update with the missing Ver. 0.3.2 until the actual version 0.3.3 is fully finished. Well, if he deleted it too like me then Ver. 0.3.2 is probably never seen by anyone except us. EDIT: For some reason, HTV09 has some screenshots for that missing version but I forgot to look at them. I'll try to upload them for you guys to see the unreleased version though nothing special has changed. Just with a few more settings.