
DEFY 2.0

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It seems like a good idea to revamp the DEFY Library. What I'd like to ask is: What are the most popular and useful functions in DEFY 1.x? I'll go through the most used functions and I'll put them in 2.0, fixing the inefficient or broken functions, and removing the Impractical functions.

The famous MAPRANGE.

Epic necropost. I have just removed the public key for DEFY. Unfortunately the library is written horribly. Biggest problem being that none of the variables are declared. It fails OPTION STRICT, and will overwrite variables used by main program. Such an error would be near impossible to detect and fix. There are also commands written with terrible inefficiency. *cough*GBLUR*cough*GLINER*COUGH* This does lead me to question, how many programmers/programs used DEFY? Would you be interested in a 1.9 stability update? And, for that matter, how about brand-new DEFY 2.0 for SB3 and SB4? I can fix the stability of DEFY for in 1.9, and perhaps efficiency in 1.9.1 What I would like to see for DEFY 2.0 is a complete redesign. Perhaps even some collaboration to work on a thorough spec, and perhaps on the code itself as well. I've started an art program project, which would greatly benefit from a suite of functions for math, GUI, data management, compression, graphics, etc. It would be great to have a few other programmers design some of DEFY to make it well suited for just about any program you'd need to make.

I suggest that an admin move this thread to General or whatever category is more appropriate.

I'm in the works of an art program myself and I can say that if there was a library out there containing a suite of functions for math, GUI, etc., I'd jump on it. I've considered constructing and sharing my own graphics enabled library in the past (I considered myself too much an intermediate to try), and I'd be happy to offer what I've learned.

I'm in the works of an art program myself and I can say that if there was a library out there containing a suite of functions for math, GUI, etc., I'd jump on it. I've considered constructing and sharing my own graphics enabled library in the past (I considered myself too much an intermediate to try), and I'd be happy to offer what I've learned.
I to this day am still an intermediate (even though I may have arrogantly thought of myself as an expert at times in the past.) I'd be glad to work with you and begin to form the DEFY Code Team. I'll make a Discord server for it.

I am setting up a Discord server, Trello board, and I'm thinking about Github but i don't know the first thing about using it, especially for collaboration. I guess I can watch some YouTube videos for it.

This is the correct category, I guess.

I'm thinking about Github
github is probably not going to be useful for smilebasic code because of integration issues, and version control in smilebasic itself is uh... similar.

This is the correct category, I guess.
"Talk about noteworthy or new SmileBASIC programs" We are now talking about the development of new software, even if we discuss a little about previous versions of the library, I think it would be better if moved to general.
I'm thinking about Github
github is probably not going to be useful for smilebasic code because of integration issues, and version control in smilebasic itself is uh... similar.
Agreed, another reason I was a little hesitant to set up a Github. SmileBOOM already has servers for sharing files. That's probably the least confusing way to work, but I'll be open to the use of PC text editors and Citra for editing code as well. I can migrate code from PC to SB3 pretty easily now, though, SB4 will introduce practicality issues.

The layout of this stuff isn't perfectly layed out yet but I'll share the Discord server and Trello team and boards. Discord server: https://discord.gg/q886N2a Trello Team: https://trello.com/b/4WUCqqZq/defy-20