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Ah, that's neat. You can also generate pure tones via sine waves.
DEF PURE HZ% DIM BUFF%[32730] VAR I% 'Generate sine wave FOR I%=0 TO LEN(BUFF%)-1 VAR B#=(I%*2*PI())/32730 BUFF%[I%]=SIN(HZ%*B#)*POW(2,15) NEXT 'Play it PCMSTREAM BUFF% 'Wait for it to finish playing VAR PPOS%=0 VAR POS%=0 WHILE POS%>=PPOS% PPOS%=POS% POS%=PCMPOS WEND PCMSTOP ENDI'm sure you have a more efficient way of doing this, tho. e.g. PURE 850 Edit: tried doing it with WAVSETA so you don't need DLC.
DEF PURE HZ% DIM BUFF%[8180] VAR I% FOR I%=0 TO LEN(BUFF%)-1 VAR B#=(I%*2*PI())/8180 BUFF%[I%]=(SIN(HZ%*B#)*POW(2,7))+128 NEXT WAVSETA 250,127,0,127,127,BUFF%,78,0,8179 BEEP 250 END
IIRC, the user-set instruments all start as sine waves of some base pitch. That might be useful, or save you some work.