Cave Platformer
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Wow, I really like the game, because it was too hard and I decided to have fun and re-balance it by changing all the levels.
With a little more time, I might have something to show off, a remix of sorts. but I am unsure how to share it, without just uploading it.
I can't figure out the trick on the level where you have to dive under the ledge to unlock the last door and get the final star... I tried to jump from the top of the area, but it's always not quite working.
Replying to:
Wow, I really like the game, because it was too hard and I decided to have fun and re-balance it by changing all the levels.
With a little more time, I might have something to show off, a remix of sorts. but I am unsure how to share it, without just uploading it.
I can't figure out the trick on the level where you have to dive under the ledge to unlock the last door and get the final star... I tried to jump from the top of the area, but it's always not quite working.
Here is my >easy mode< level pack, with nothing in the code changed (except for one little color change).
I'm posting the code here, because none of the source code was made by me. (And I was otherwise unsure how to share it.)
If I missed something, and this is completely unacceptable just delete this comment. Otherwise enjoy (especially 12ME21)
EDIT: you will probably note that the first few levels are just arrangements of what you already had, but the last three levels were completely made from scratch.
Replying to:
Here is my >easy mode< level pack, with nothing in the code changed (except for one little color change).
I'm posting the code here, because none of the source code was made by me. (And I was otherwise unsure how to share it.)
If I missed something, and this is completely unacceptable just delete this comment. Otherwise enjoy (especially 12ME21)
EDIT: you will probably note that the first few levels are just arrangements of what you already had, but the last three levels were completely made from scratch.
Oh these are a lot better than my levels.
I think in the new version I'm working on, I'll let you load level/collision/color DATA from an external file, so you don't have to use the broken level editor or modify the entire program.
Is it ok if I include your levels in the next version?
Replying to:
Wow, I really like the game, because it was too hard and I decided to have fun and re-balance it by changing all the levels.
With a little more time, I might have something to show off, a remix of sorts. but I am unsure how to share it, without just uploading it.
I can't figure out the trick on the level where you have to dive under the ledge to unlock the last door and get the final star... I tried to jump from the top of the area, but it's always not quite working.
Yeah, I managed to get to the single little tippy top of the area, plunge all the way down without hitting anything... I still couldn't get under. After 3 partial successes, and over 50 attempts of hitting the edge of stuff falling down, I never made that jump. I would call that very hard. lol (maybe it's an o3ds thing?)
I realized that I never messed with the intended in game editor, until yesterday. As when I had edited things before, I just messed with the source code directly. As the game just crashes if you try to edit before the final level.
Additionally have you heard of the 1992 Shareware windows game called "KYE"? Your game is kinda like the Zelda 2 of that game. (top down vs sideways platformer)
Green player character, with set starting position.
Instant death, on contact, with any "bad" thing.
Goal is to collect all the "one thing" in the level, and ends where the last one is collected.
Contains the ability to edit the game by direct text(not really intended but still clearly laid out) and in game editor.
Replying to:
Wow, I really like the game, because it was too hard and I decided to have fun and re-balance it by changing all the levels.
With a little more time, I might have something to show off, a remix of sorts. but I am unsure how to share it, without just uploading it.
I can't figure out the trick on the level where you have to dive under the ledge to unlock the last door and get the final star... I tried to jump from the top of the area, but it's always not quite working.
I just tested it and I reached it on the first try.
Make sure you jump all the way to the top, and then move 1 block to the right so you don't hit the ledge.
So a few ideas that I have that could maybe increase the level design variety.
Use FONTDEF and copy the brick texture, and color the redefined font object the same primary color as before, the the secondary color different. (Maybe gray?)
And leave it off the collisions list, so that you could have invisible passageways.
With the invisible passageways and few other tricks you might think up, you could place an optional collectible in each level.
Otherwise I like the way that you have partitioned the source code from the level data, in case someone would worry about messing up the game code by directly editing it. (Lol like I did once... Good thing I back up everything before I mess around)
Is the key on the page more recent or is this one?
Can you make an easier-to-use level editor? I'm trying to make a mod for this game yet it's very hard to make levels 😅. Editing the DATA for the levels manually is hard because of the 3DS's small screen. If you do revamp the editor, can you also make it save as DATA, so it's easier to add into the program? Thanks, and this game is amazing!
finish this and update the page key maybe
Replying to:
Here is my >easy mode< level pack, with nothing in the code changed (except for one little color change).
I'm posting the code here, because none of the source code was made by me. (And I was otherwise unsure how to share it.)
If I missed something, and this is completely unacceptable just delete this comment. Otherwise enjoy (especially 12ME21)
EDIT: you will probably note that the first few levels are just arrangements of what you already had, but the last three levels were completely made from scratch.
They key doesn't work, did you remove it? I'd like to try these levels!
Replying to:
Here is my >easy mode< level pack, with nothing in the code changed (except for one little color change).
I'm posting the code here, because none of the source code was made by me. (And I was otherwise unsure how to share it.)
If I missed something, and this is completely unacceptable just delete this comment. Otherwise enjoy (especially 12ME21)
EDIT: you will probably note that the first few levels are just arrangements of what you already had, but the last three levels were completely made from scratch.
I put their levels in this version: LDE3N34J
Replying to:
Here is my >easy mode< level pack, with nothing in the code changed (except for one little color change).
I'm posting the code here, because none of the source code was made by me. (And I was otherwise unsure how to share it.)
If I missed something, and this is completely unacceptable just delete this comment. Otherwise enjoy (especially 12ME21)
EDIT: you will probably note that the first few levels are just arrangements of what you already had, but the last three levels were completely made from scratch.
Oh, ok. I already downloaded that version btw, it's really cool!
You should try pressing A 0.5 times to see if you jump