Might make SBS readonly: thread

Bug Reports [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Suddenly it seems like chat doesn't work on Wii U. I'd try removing my js things but nositeJS doesnt turn off chatjs apparently. I get the userlist and everything but there's no messages.
Just use high compat mode. That's why I made it. It's either "firefox or chrome" for the real website, and high compat mode for anything that doesn't work. I'm sorry, it's just too much work to get the main website working for all this crap.

'oops I forgot to escape the $ in the highlighter regex.

repl(/()(\.)/mgi,"number",text,list); should fix it

I forgot to include REM in the keyword highlighting (It's not in SB's autocompleter for some reason)

I forgot to include REM in the keyword highlighting (It's not in SB's autocompleter for some reason)
REM is a comment though. Doesn't it make everything after it (and maybe itself) green?

I forgot to include REM in the keyword highlighting (It's not in SB's autocompleter for some reason)
REM is a comment though. Doesn't it make everything after it (and maybe itself) green?
No, it keeps the highlighting (that's the only reason why it's not fully obsolete)

Oh sure, that's not confusing.

Here's a situation where REM is useful:

idk, I had to fix the ridiculous 2000 year bug
now i see this

the screenshot box is messed up on certain resolutions

the screenshot box is messed up on certain resolutions
How is it messed up, besides the whack cropping?

the screenshot box is messed up on certain resolutions
How is it messed up, besides the whack cropping?
the bad cropping you mentioned is what I'm talking about

the screenshot box is messed up on certain resolutions
How is it messed up, besides the whack cropping?
the bad cropping you mentioned is what I'm talking about
Known and discussed. Sorry, there isn't anything we can really do about it at this time.

==ENVIROMENT== Device: Microsoft Lumia 650 Dual SIM Operating System: Windows 10 Mobile OS Build: 10.0.14393.693 Browser: Microsoft Edge Browser Version: 38.14393.693.0 Microsoft EdgeHTML: 14.14393 ==PROBLEM== When I try to click on a badge, the message box zooms out the screen. Also when I click on another badge, the message box doesn't disappear. ==PHOTOS== https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=9B1E01E0D8CCD6E5&resid=9B1E01E0D8CCD6E5%21178161&authkey=ACCd3ijwB5iol-4

<some nonsense about mobile edge and badge description positioning>
I simply can't support every possible browser and device configuration

Markdown on links is broken. *trotyl.tk/i/mmm.png* becomes trotyl.tk/i/mmm.png* with the link taking you to trotyl.tk/i/mmm.png<i> Also, markdown is applied to inline code: D=X*X+Y*Y becomes D=XX+YY And the autolinker doesn't ignore inline code: `@BACKUP` becomes @BACKUP

/md `test<test`

/md `test<test`
maybe fixed

/coingive MasterR3C0RD 0 You gave 0 coin(s) to MasterR3C0RD. You now have 137367 coin(s) 12Me21 gave you 0 coin(s). You now have 469007 coin(s)

You gave $800000 to 12Me21. You now have $16877. MasterR3C0RD gave you $800000. You now have $6603670.