Blow Balloon
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The title says it all! Just blow the mic and watch the balloon grows!
I have made a mic-controlled game from Flash before. I just adapted to SB. I don't think anyone thought about a game in which you control with the mic. Later on, I'll make a real game based on it. I promise that game will take your breath away!
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I see what you did there in the description! I love the concept of actually adapting to the 3ds' external features! Now all we need is an airplane tech demo/game using the gyro sensors and accelerometer!
Is not that? (at least, you could modify it to be, if it isn't)
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I see what you did there in the description! I love the concept of actually adapting to the 3ds' external features! Now all we need is an airplane tech demo/game using the gyro sensors and accelerometer!
Actually, I thought of a Punch-Out!!-like game using gyros and accelerometer. But . . . I think that will take too long.
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Oh no, its the DS all over again!
remember when EVERY game had to use the microphone?